Son of Mecha Mummy

“Even Depp was great in the first movie.”

I think it’s more that this list is overfocused on recurring bits rather than great individual segments aside from the old-timey baseball one, which Conan singled out himself. The Norm bit should be on here for sure, but I’d also argue that at least one of Conan picking apples with Mr. T or Conan shooting up stuffed

and honestly, his straight-up song parodies are generally his least-interesting output. His style parodies are great because he basically manages to blend a couple songs of the artist he’s parodying and write a solid song around that; “Dog Eat Dog” is a fantastic Talking Heads pastiche, and “Dare to Be Stupid” is a

I guess with the Will Arnett/talking dog buddy cop movie in theaters something had to fill the “trailer I absolutely do not want to see pop up before any movie I go to” void.

god, Joshua’s gonna be in the comments section on this site the moment his parents let him use the internet without supervision, isn’t he?

It was also a way bigger field last time. I’m a little surprised they didn’t go with SuperGirlKels for one of the Smash 4 spots, but they did bring her in for the ARMS thing they did last E3 so maybe they just didn’t want to repeat (and the four players they did bring in are all way bigger names than her).

That would be a weird one since there are a bunch in that field.

I love that Star-Lord fucked up like that. The key throughline is that at the end of the day all of them — Loki, Gamora, and Star-Lord — get Thanos a little closer to his end goal because they value their loved ones above all else, whereas what makes Thanos truly dangerous is that if forced to, he can (and did)

I’m shocked that the readerbase of the most Lou Avery-ass comic strip I’ve ever seen in my life are appalled that the new cartoonist is writing actual jokes. Shocked, I say.

She was also on Daria, and pretty much the only voice actor on that show to go on to greater fame. I feel like every time I see that she’s on a subsequent thing from that I’m like “oh, good for her” even though I never watch any of them.

Yeah, we got that too after the Africa thing. I mostly got enjoyment out of gauging which songs the crowd recognized and which ones they didn’t. Some ones I was 100% not expecting to hear big reactions to got big reactions but now I can’t remember which.

Saw her live last fall and it was a fun enough time. The preshow music was “Africa” by Toto on repeat for a full hour and watching the mostly teen-and-early-twentysomething audience develop a Stockholm Syndrome relationship with that song was worth the $20 in and of itself.

Nikki Swango and Mr. Wrench’s truck heist in Fargo this year is one of mine. It was so satisfying after half a season of being untouchable to finally see Varga and his operation get punched in the mouth.

wasn’t stuff like this one of the worst things in 2017 according to you guys

honestly, the casual-ass way Kurt Russell tosses out “sucks that I had to kill your mom, I just loved her too much” was really excellent too. It’s a great performance that maybe doesn’t have a standout scene but is still pretty high up the MCU villain tier list.

Gert looks way too skinny in every still or brief clip I’ve seen, too.

I kind of doubt he meant that literally.

Having seen it twice and having watched audiences react to it as part of my job, I think there’s absolutely enough comedy in there to theoretically justify the decision. But not if they didn’t consult Peele first, because it plays the horror part absolutely straight and ultimately since the movie’s his vision he

I’d agree with you. I saw it twice and work at a movie theater that had it for like three months, and while it did seem to hit different audiences differently there’s so much stuff in the movie that’s straight-up comedy. Everything with Lil’ Rel, the awkward questions from the partygoers (“Is it true what they say? Is

I feel like Baby Driver had the best scene/sequence of any movie this year (the “Hocus Pocus” chase) but if I had to pick one movie to rewatch in full it’d be Get Out in a heartbeat.