Son of Mecha Mummy

"the German ringleader in Community … By far the worst part of all of those shows."


The Young Wolf! He likes the honey :(

It's very much not silent most weeks and that silence was fucking brutal. Reminded me of when 24 would signify a major character's death at the end of an episode by not having their counting clock gimmick make noise before the credits, except way more agonizing.

If critical ratings affected the stock market, Netflix would have suddenly vanished and seemingly never been there the day after Hemlock Grove was released.

That was definitely a pretty good visual gag, as was the buzzard. I think it was the fact that I was missing the ensemble cast that made the ending really click for me more than anything else.

I thought Herbert Love was fantastic, Rebel Alley ranks fairly decently in the history of Michael love interests (better than Maggie Lizer, not as good as Rita Leeds, probably better than Marta but Marta's a special case where she's not meant to be funny), and the new characters in the George episodes were by far the

Honestly, I don't notice the plastic surgery much when her hair is short but when her hair is long it's super-distracting. It's bizarre.

That was by far the funniest thing in the first episode and the thing that gave me hope that things would get better.

I think I basically agree with that order, yeah. Probably "Flight of the Phoenix" at the bottom and "Borderline" above "Double Crossers" and "Smashed," and the two GOB episodes switched.

"Just stands there and does or says nothing" stopped being Ann's exclusive character trait like halfway into season two.

Yes, but you can't hear it because of the music. That's what I meant.

I'm assuming AD season 4 isn't Emmy eligible. If it were, I would want Will Arnett to get a nomination for the scene where GOB has a complete emotional breakdown in the Veals' kitchen alone.

I think there's a throwaway line in there about the maca having properties that increase estrogen levels drastically. The difference is that Oscar is sweating it out and George isn't.

On my rewatch of the series in the last couple weeks, I didn't realize that "S.O.Bs" was one of my favorite AD episodes until it came up and I could appreciate how funny it was, and a big part of it was the multiple Richters. The fact that season 4 went big on bringing that joke back was one of my favorite decisions

That Tobias line was so weird and stilted. I can't blame David Cross, it made no sense for Tobias to say that at that moment. Should have just had the Narrator say "and so Tobias broke his skull in a fourth place" or something. It still wouldn't have been funny but it at least would have made a little more sense.

Yeah, the "I just blue myself" line at the end of the second Tobias episode felt like the kind of obvious punchline that season 4 conversely did a brilliant job avoiding in other cases (not having anyone actually say "I've made a huge mistake" in a way where you can hear it, not bringing Franklin back).

I immediately realized it was Justin Grant Wade, but was mostly just terrified that that had happened to his hair. Turns out it was a wig and a bald cap.

Also, I'm assuming that the AV Club's decision-making process was that they *could* just have Todd review the entire series in one shot, but why not also do weekly reviews so they can have it? And instead of having one guy do the weekly reviews they might as well have two people review the show every week on top of

Wiig was perfect as Young Lucille, Rogen was woefully miscast as Young George. He made a brief attempt at impersonating Jeffrey Tambor in his first scene and then completely gave up. I'm not sure who they should have gotten instead, though.