Son of Mecha Mummy

This is basically every Childish Gambino song I have ever heard.

The movie guys were fantastic. Sometimes I don't like Mark Cuban's grandstanding and sermonizing, but "I'm out" the split-second after they said they were looking for funding for a movie was magnificent.

Oh god, that guy was such an imbecile. The best part is apparently the shark who made the deal (I believe it was Lori?) eventually just gave up and cut ties with him because he was more trouble than he was worth.

I saw the grammatical error when I made it and was like "oh yeah, that's wrong" and then was like "oh god I've been watching TV for hours and don't have the energy to correct anything."

Yeah. Though I was amused that Michael was pretty much right about Toby the whole time; he was always destined to end up a miserable person that nobody wanted to be around.

I wouldn't have minded seeing Gabe again, though I'm not surprised that nobody in-character would have wanted him back for anything.

I'm reasonably confident he was in Dwight's circle of friends from when he was trying to hire someone to fill Jim's spot earlier this season (as the one who thought he was a mutant?). They brought all of those guys back.

I was disappointed that Clark didn't get a single line. I actually thought Clark Duke did a really good job with what he was given this season. Also, the absolute lack of anything regarding Pete and Erin was weird.

He might of. Season eight is a long, awful blur for me.

I was terrified that Nellie and Toby would end up together. Despite the fact that Nellie was an incredibly problematic character who I only liked when she was kicking Andy whenever he was down, I still thought that even she deserved better than that.

What I did was watch a ton of season two and three episodes going in and only a couple later season ones ("Niagra" and "Goodbye Michael" were the only ones that made the cut post-season 5). It made me remember why I liked all these characters instead of being bored and frustrated with them.

Also, man. In spite of the Brian the Cameramans, the "Angry Andy"s, the Deangelo Vickers', and every single time the words "the Senator" were uttered, I really will miss this show. I mean, thank god it's over. But now that it's gone I'll miss it.

I watched "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" as part of my marathon of Office episodes leading up to the finale today.

I honestly don't think I've ever seen a cold open that was as much of a complete and total mess as that one was. SNL could not have coasted harder this week.

(In terms of genuine enjoyment, I thought the mother's day thing was at least pretty competent and the "Aw Nuts! Mom's a Ghost" thing hit the Disney Channel notes well. Cecily Strong was great.)

The most enjoyment I got out of the episode up until the point I quit was the audience's complete and total lack of enthusiasm for Gilly showing up.  I think one dude went "woo!" and that was it.

I'm becoming a huge Lapkus fan. I rarely listen to episodes of the same podcast back-to-back but when I saw she, St. Clair , and PFT were all on the 4th anniversary show I had to listen to it immediately after finishing the Maron one on Wednesday.

"If I didn't know she was famous for being attractive"

Is ending in cancellation better or worse than ending in sweatpants?

Survivor is incredibly emotionally and physically draining, and yes, feelings are going to be hurt because of it. You can't sit there and armchair strategize like "people should behave objectively in this game that is designed to fuck with your head."