Son of Mecha Mummy

Honestly, Jimmy Fallon can't make the Tonight Show any more irrelevant than Leno's made it in the last couple years. Even if he just did a History of Rap with Timberlake once a year that'd be more people talking about it than anyone's talked about The Tonight Show since the Conan controversy ended.

For Fallon. Leno is the thing that will not die.

I'm looking forward to John Oliver hosting because it might freshen things up. Right now there's really nothing new to say, which is bound to happen periodically.

I actually do DVR Fallon and then fast forward to see what the sketch/game is going to be, and I watch Daily Show nightly even if it feels like treading water big-time right now.

I'm glad that they're at least not going to relocate everyone who works on Fallon to LA. NBC has learned *a* lesson, maybe!

Coach McGuirk's "Wow. That's *awful,*" after reading that invitation is neck-and-neck with Jazz Fight as the thing from Home Movies that never, ever fails to make me laugh. It's such a simple line, but Benjamin kills it.

I have literally never heard of this person before.


I want to say he's going to be in a flashback or something anyway. I can't fully recall.

"the last couple of (admittedly stellar) seasons"

Yeah, the more surreal Daria episodes usually don't work for me either.

Pretty fittingly, since Mystik Spiral was never meant to be even remotely good. Hearing his actor actually try to sing instead of the sing-talking in the actual Spiral songs was pretty hilarious, though.

"I don't need a million dollars!"

Enjoy! I agree that the cast isn't great but last night's episode was hilarious.

"Oy vey."

Since I don't know if there's anywhere to actually discuss it now that it's not being covered anymore; did anyone watch Amazing Race last night? That was the most spectacular and hilariously unnecessary implosion of a team I've ever seen.

Sub in Dreama Walker since she's the only Don't Trust the B—— lead not attached to a pilot yet.

The plan is to retroactively erase the existence of Up All Night. Never happened!

Oh man do I hope Daniel Day-Lewis actually shows up and wins. I want to know what his speech at an MTV Awards show would be like.