Yeah, I'm usually really dumb about those things or not bothered by them but I even found some of the stuff in this episode heavy-handed.
Yeah, I'm usually really dumb about those things or not bothered by them but I even found some of the stuff in this episode heavy-handed.
"(where an associate is playing a flawless “Clare de Lune” on the piano)"
I have yet to read this review properly because it's 5am and I need to get back to sleep, but just for the letter grade I want to say THANK YOU. So many people seem to really like this episode and I have no clue what they were watching because if not for the "Anything Goes" number, which I thought was pretty awesomely…
Oh god, that gave me the creeps as a kid.
I know of at least two that still exist in Seattle/the greater Seattle area too.
I was there for the second and third taping and both were so great to witness. The Would You Rather on night three had me in stitches because of the totally off-topic direction it went. Out of curiosity, what characters did Tompkins and Daly use on night one? I actually had no clue Daly was even there until I attended…
There's no way Matt doesn't come back for an All-Star season. He has to be a lock to come back if he wants to.
I can just hear James Clement yelling at the TV already.
I had totally forgotten about what a nightmare the Outback was for the castaways post-merge until I rewatched it this year. Probst making them give up shelter if they wanted him to give them a new food supply was amazing because you will never see that on this show again.
Amanda didn't play Ozzy. She was totally head-over-heels smitten with him. It was Cirie who wanted him gone so she and Parvati successfully conspired to take him out. Amanda was never aware of the plan.
Excited to see that John Teti will be recapping Work of Art again. I thought he did really well with the first season.
And ended up at Samm Levine's party or whatever, right? That episode was fun. I also liked the Comic Con episode which I think was the same season.
Yeah, I was liking Jared Gilmore as Bobby. Felt like they'd finally cast the right kid for it.
And also I think Jon Stewart is funnier.
I actually don't have a DVR.
I mostly watch Conan for the opening sketches and stuff
And that now conflicts with The Daily Show. If they pushed him back to 11:30pm I'd maybe watch.
Yeah, I got that the point of it was to be weird and grating, it just threw me off quite a bit. And I thought The Comeback was a pretty okay show all in all; it had its good episodes here and there and I was way more invested in it by the finale than I thought I was going to be. If they ever did bring it back in some…
Was a falls count anywhere match. Why would they have most of the pins in the ring?
"Explain the BDK storyline in CHIKARA" is pretty much the same as "explain the entirety of CHIKARA's storyline from like 2007 onwards." Even if they're in sort of a lull period right now when it comes to having an overarcing plot.
The weird thing about The Comeback vs. Extras is that they actually premiered around the same time. Like, within a month of each other. Like, it definitely wears its Gervais influence on its sleeve, but it's more The Office.