Son of Mecha Mummy

See, that's my thing. AMC is going beyond their means I think because they want to have an original show on year-long. I would sooner not see Hell on Wheels or not have a second season of The Killing than have Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead go through budget stuff.

She's also one-third of the Kardashians impression, though she's the really forgettable one out of the three.

Yeah, but he died on the way there, hence the funeral.

I thought she was funny enough at what her designated role on SNL was (ditzy blonde). Pity she's turned into what she's turned into.

I do like that one of his fatalities
Appears to be a modified version of the Johnny Depp kill from the first movie. That's neat.

They should seriously just bring her back to Parks and Rec. She worked really well with Aziz Ansari in those scenes they had.

The season ending montage
Really felt like The Wire's series-ending montage, particularly with all the shots of the city itself instead of the characters. I wonder if they had that planned out before they knew if they were renewed or not.

"It's Still Billy Joel To Me" probably counts, if you include ones that weren't released on album.

I want to be on television!

Neutopia was so, so bad. Like, for the most part just frighteningly hacky. Thank god Benderama reassured me that hopefully there will be bright spots to this season as there were last summer.

"Pycelle's scene especially told us things we already knew"
True, but it did shed some new light on Pycelle himself after the prostitute left the room, and I thought that little moment was pretty cool.

I had the same feeling of dread the moment that scene started as I did when the robber/rapist showed up at Ladonna's bar and kept lingering there. Well done by Treme, but ow.

I remember he was on Hulk Hogan's celebrity wrestling thing and was great on it, probably because he didn't exactly have to work hard to play a douchey wrestling villain.

I guess the best way to put it is that it's the second season of the current incarnation of the show. There were three seasons on MTV from 2001 to 2003 that was basically a fairly similar format to this one with a few cosmetic differences (biggest ones being Stone Cold's presence in the current one and more of an

I love that the first thing they have their big inspirational Tough Enough winner do
Is be forced to bump for a senior citizen slapping him. Tremendous.

Yeah. For me Bendis is the one who suffers the worst from having been made The Guy. I love his work on street-level comic books but he has no business writing for the fucking Avengers.

Honestly, I genuinely like Johns on Green Lantern. Sorry if that makes me a regressive fanboy etcetera etcetera, but I think he does space opera well. Can't say I really care much for the overarcing DC stuff, though, and I imagine that's mostly him (and Grant Morrison, who I've also kind of grown tired of).

I think he can sing alright and he's endearing when doing the geek schtick, but they really had no goddamn clue what to do with him beyond have him be the guy that people dated this season when they blatantly wanted to date someone else.

Honestly didn't see her saying that she loved Artie in that monologue. I might rewatch, but she brought him up in the same context that she brought Tina and Mike Chang up.

Honestly, it was an astonishingly boring hour of television and worse yet, it was the season finale. It doesn't help that the central conflicts of the episode were the two storylines I cared about the least.