Son of Mecha Mummy

Two things that bothered me
1. The "you're not going anywhere" thing from Josh Groban and Olivia Newton John to Sue was good (as was their early comments basically implying that New Directions were disadvantaged), but it would have been better if the Local Anchorman guy wasn't standing between them like he had

Is it wrong that I stopped caring the moment they killed off Johnny Cage? It's test footage so there's nothing saying that would happen in an actual movie, but that's why I ended up changing the channel on Mortal Kombat Annihilation too years and years ago.

I think I'm still at least a year or two away from that, but I'm curious to see what happens when I lose that "oh right THAT song, I remember that" reaction to a lot of this stuff.

What drives me nuts about This Party Just Took a Turn For the Douche is that I know it's not very funny at all (the George Michael Bluth line made me laugh, but how hard is it to get a laugh out of an Arrested Development reference?) but the chorus so infectious that it ends up stuck in my head anyway. They seemed

Well. Er. Okay, then.
I liked the Will/Sue stuff mostly for the payoff, especially the line about Sue's Cheerios number including a fourteen and a half-minute Celine Dion medley as sung by Kurt. In French. But the Mercedes/Quinn stuff is just overwhelmingly forced, and that last number was just absolutely

If you've watched movie trailers in the last two years you've heard MIA, you just weren't aware you were listening to MIA. "Paper Planes" managed to be overdone, tiresome trailer music in record time.

Why always Boris?

"Really, who was begging for that sketch to come back?"

The best part of the CSI sketch was Dratch's character loudly yelling "IMMIGRANTS!" in response to the question of who would want to kill senior citizens much to the crowd's palpable discomfort.

Chang seems to be like this giant combination of parodying John Woo, parodying Scarface, and parodying Gary Oldman in The Professional. His mannerisms in that scene are very, very Norman Stansfield.

See, I dunno
I've had my nightmare moviegoing experiences (seeing X-2 with a plethora of crying children comes to mind), but I've also had some really excellent ones. Plus there are some movies I'd just rather see for the first time on a giant screen with awesome sound rather than on my TV at like a fiftieth of that

"I just can't remember if it was Jim Brown or Jesse Ventura (pretty sure it was Ventura now that I think of it) begging Richard Dawson to get in the game. "

Um, okay
I've watched the first three seasons of Weeds (liked the first two, thought the third was mostly horrible) and she was easily my least-favorite character. It felt like they were going for love-to-hate but it was pretty firmly hate for me by season two.

Ice Ice Baby
Quite possibly my least favorite musical number in the history of the show. Like, I always hate songs where Will raps but I hated this more because of the setup. Apparently Will's big plan to "rehabilitate" the song was to do it exactly the same as Vanilla Ice did it.

Eh, well.
I'd miss Max, but he wasn't even the best source of humor within the Seven/Tonight Show Band. Also, unless they've changed since the first week or two (I went to the first Seattle show), he's not on the Prohibited tour anyway.

It's a really good song. I can buy that as being someone's favorite.

Jimmy Fallon is definitely the one who tends to grab my attention as far as musical guests goes. It helps that his musical guests have the option of having The Roots as a backup band.

He also got to have the dubious distinction of the guy who *everybody* mocked during the late-night wars in January. Jimmy Fallon might have been the sole late night host to not jump at the chance to make "nobody watches Carson Daly" jokes.

Wait, seriously? That was Horatio Sanz? Holy shit.

Seriously. "Wince-inducing?" Everyone's entitled to their opinion and all, but I thought he was the best part of the movie (Chloe Moretz a close second, and Mark Strong third).