Son of Mecha Mummy

Twenty seconds in and
I love how Jerry Springer talks about having sex with a man like it's this stunning, revelatory idea.


She could probably pull of playing The Wasp.

I will say that I loved Michael and Dwight's garbage fight and really that entire scene between them, and also Andy and Erin's middle-school romance.

Yeah, I honestly can't blame Michael for a lot of what he did. The sales team was being completely insufferable, to really kind of an unrealistic degree. That was really what bothered me most about the episode; even with that power going to their heads they just felt like they'd gone off the deep end because the

I wasn't overly impressed with The Grand for the most part (it wasn't better than For Your Consideration, which I wasn't nearly as disappointed by as a lot of people), but there were some really fun performances in it and Herzog's was one of them. Michael McKean, unsurprisingly enough, was the best, though.

"While it's nice to see Heathers still inspiring knockoffs more than 20 years later—has anyone ever done it well?"

I was pleasantly surprised by Up winning Best Score. But yeah, aside from that it was pretty straightforward.

Jeff Bridges was really really good in Crazy Heart. But to be fair he's really really good in everything in my opinion. But I can't really evaluate whether he was the best out of that field because I think Crazy Heart is the only one of them I've seen thusfar.

Chevy Chase's complete nonreaction to the announcement in that video is awesome.

I think I liked "One Step Closer," but I was indifferent at best to "Crawling" and "In The End" just pissed me off. I think Linkin Park is when I started to finally, mercifully turn on nu-metal.

I think he's funny enough but they've gone to the "Conan is a Thing That It's Funny to Watch a Black Man Talking About" well too many times. I want Pierre Bernard's perspective on this fiasco, damn it.

I liked Andre 3000 in the Shield season finale. I think that's the only time I've really enjoyed him acting.

American Splendor
Does Actual Harvey Pekar's role in American Splendor count as narration? Because I thought that was really well-done and the movie would have lost a lot without it.

Fabrice Fabrice might have seemed familiar because it's just a really, really dull character that feels like it should have been on MadTV back when that was on the air. It really felt like kind of an irredeemably dire set until the admittedly good "you know who else likes fried chicken? EVERYBODY." joke, but that

Hasn't it already been said somewhere that Epitaph 1 isn't necessarily what *will* happen at the end of Dollhouse?

I flew from Seattle to New York to see a wrestling match. It was just after I turned 18 so the air fare and the hotel reservations were a joint present from my mother and grandfather. It wasn't even WrestleMania or anything, it was an indy wrestling match, but it was easily one of the best experiences I've ever

Yeah, I was honestly only sort of amused at this at best until I read that article. Now I'm happy that this guy lost out because he comes off like a huge twit.

After Brittany says it there's like a three or four second beat where everyone else in the scene just processed that awkward moment before moving on. It was pretty clearly intended to mean that Santana and Brittany have at the very least experimented with each other.

It seemed weird to me that it was Dwight playing Recyclops and not Michael. It seems like the sort of childish superhero roleplaying that Michael would get all-too-into in a heartbeat.