
As long as they didn't take the piss out of him

I really don’t know enough about Cesar Milan to really comment (although he did really make me more aware of dog body language), but I LOLOLOL when people say that about “positive reinforcement only.” A combination of both positive and negative makes things go a LOT faster. Seriously.

Let me guess... the drivers would have to pay for the training themselves. I don’t have much confidence when they start proposing unfunded mandates like this, like they have with daycare requirements. The requirements in and of themselves are good, but when they start making them mandatory without providing free (or

You know the only getting really pissed here is because of the Internet Rage Machine though. Neil Gaman wrote a whole book about warring Native American deities and didn’t get an ounce of this shit.

Oh, don’t feel so bad. She only missed here on Jezebel where it’s the SJW Outrage Machine 24/7.

Just make sure none of your aliens or their cultures resemble human ones

Thats not what he said... Just that the only way Rowling could have avoided this was to have an American Indian cowriter - saving that, she DID do her research, she DID avoid using their (real) myths by using slightly fictionalized ones. And she never even wore a war bonnet!

No... Right now it’s “Get Angry Before You Know Child”

I don’t know. I wasn’t there. Neither were you. And neither of us has read it either to determine how ‘garbage-y’ it is (not that we’re really expecting that much of JK fucking Rowling). This is Internet fodder.

How do you know she didn’t? I’m sure she did her research. It sounds to me as if she had been trying to skirt the problem of offending people by creating a similar-but-different universe so she wouldn’t be depicting any real people/cultures.

No... that would have been worse than using fictionalized versions of the same myths.

...Well, that's nice for your self esteem.

Well, you know, being trans doesn't preclude you from being human.

Don’t know what qisling is, but even before the Wachowskis were trans, they were very, very private people. I suppose we could get Chaz to be spokesperson for a while. I'm actually surprised the composer Wendy Carlos isn't called - but then I'm a new music buff, so I would find that interesting

No, they started out as brothers, now they are both sisters - I think it’s fucking weird, but what the hell do I know? They can do what they want, and they aren’t hurting anyone.

Seriously. Love how she suddenly grows a brain each time she gets criticized so she can play victim for a minute. Empowerment my ass... Or hers...

Serial killers live their life the way they want with no apologies. That alone shouldn’t get you praise.

Eh, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Do we get to talk about KK’s ‘realness’ when she’s getting into Twitter feuds with Blac Chyna and Amber Rose, or boasting about ripping people off via her video game, calling Chloe unknown and Midler washed up?

Or the miraculousness of the human mind to perceive the greatness of God’s creations.

Ditto. Started to feel nauseous watching that little clip. Blehhhhh