
I’m not sure what there is to celebrate here? A municipal government entered into a shady lease with a private group, the result of which is that tax payers will shell out at least half a billion dollars to repair something, the city will then again turn over to a shady private equity group.

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I think it’s fair to say the state of electric cars and reusable booster rockets would be nowhere near what it is today. IMHO, we’d still have ~100, maaaaaaybe 150 mile EVs, like the Nissan Leaf. Or maybe not, maybe they would be cancelled because “we tried nothing and it’s not working.”

Sometimes I think this sites sole job is to keep Tesla in the news

The soft tops were actually that color originally, it’s not fading. Some kind of mixup between the division doing the interior and the division doing the roof. When I replaced my NA’s top I went with a darker tan, which is less original but matches better and in my opinion just looks a lot better, too.

Yeah, I saw the hardtop and thought the same thing.  You could probably sell the hardtop and use that cash to address the airbag, seats and window motor and maybe have some cash left over, depending on how handy you are with a wrench.

Yeah...even a hint to this glorious inexpensive city would be a great service to all.  In my town, that’s a $550k house, and just up the road in the big city, they’re over $1M.

I dig you’re view and have considered a wagon or SUV many times over a comparable truck, but I personally see some utility with a bed you just can’t get with an enclosed area.

then include it in the goddamn MSRP 

It is just a cost of doing business and I don’t understand why it is not integrated into price. Not like you can just go to factory and pick up the car.

Many industries do it, especially on cellphone bills and (till not so long ago) airline tickets). Fees, fees, taxes. Just give me a damn final price

For inflation to get out of control, we’d have to be close to max economic output and full employment, which is not the case.”

Yeah, I was going to say.... the idea of Hoffman arguing that they’re “pro-consumer” is one of the most hilarious things I’ve read in recent memory.

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This video details how they plan to deal with the overland problem, basically they’re trying to lessen the intensity of the sonic boom.

If I was advising Tesla, I’d recommend they find all of Hoffman Auto Group’s dissatisfied customers and give them a nice social media spotlight. Maybe even invite some of the more compelling tales of dealer avarice to testify at a state house hearing on the matter.

If Tesla accomplishes nothing else, I hope they break the grip of the mega dealers on car sales.

Adding middlemen does not add value, unfortunately they do add political contributions.

Then you can just say “No, I do not want you filming in my restaurant” and that’d be the end of that.
There is absolutely zero reason this ends with insults, a crying girl, and some very, very bad publicity for his place.
Except, you know, him being an asshole.

were shortcomings when I bought it, and laughable 5 years later.

You are paying up front for low depreciation. I bought my Tacoma in 2016 for $37k. 80k miles later, with regular maintenance and 2x a year detailing it is worth about $31k in a first party sale and $26k as a trade in. If a “small” truck fits your needs, that seems like a pretty good bargain to me.

This is why it is always the right thing to do to call restaurants in advance and ask if you can film there for your youtoks or tiktubes, or whatever the youngs are doing now, before you turn up on the day.

How many actually see a trail regularly or any other form of truly rugged driving? Most of them are just cool looking family vehicles that see the occasional camp site, so that market is probably too small to appease. 

We need to stop conditioning people to expect cheap food. Everyone jumps on their city’s local “$5 burger week” without reading the fine print that it is a Beef Council propaganda marketing campaign, and no, they do not subsidize restaurants to basically lose money on every burger sold; people bitch when a Mexican