Honestly I would be more offended with “In God We Trust” on my license plate. I would get some black tape and cover up that crap.
Honestly I would be more offended with “In God We Trust” on my license plate. I would get some black tape and cover up that crap.
Hard disagree on that one. Daily drove a RWD, 6MT, M235i in the land of lake effect snow. Never got stuck, drove an 11 mile each way commute. Tires and attitude are more important.
It’d be nice if wagons were even an option anymore. Save a few holdouts if you want a wagon-like vehicle you need to get a CUV unfortunately.
Their idea of IEDs could be anything from sparklers still in the packaging to actual IEDs, though.
These are the same kind of people that say a bag of skittles are a lethal projectile weapon.
I’m THISCLOSE to putting my 2016 Cayman on the market. By all measurements, I can sell the car for what I paid for it or even a little bit more than that, three years after I bought it CPO, leaving me out only the routine maintenance costs (dear sweet God, Porsche routine maintenance costs...).
Attention, 1967 Chrysler-driving guy in commercial:
If you’re expecting that dinner date to end with a pile of clothes on the floor, you better take her to a real restaurant, you cheap bastard...
I was at a track day in April where some dipshit was ranting about how no one will want to be cops anymore if they can get sent to jail for killing someone. If any cop wants out because they’re held accountable for their actions, they shouldn’t have been cops in the first place.
No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.
Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.
f*cking seriously. If the majority of the auto industry was dumb enough to not have any chip stock (I think Toyota is the only exception) than they are absolutely dumb enough to completely over correct and flood the market once the factories can run at full speed again. This whole thing is going to be flipped at some…
5th Gear:
Unless you are getting out of a lease or you were in a car crash and absolutely have to get a new car I would avoid it completely. Its just a bad idea right now. How do you not end up underwater adding 10k to a KIA. And if you have enough cash to avoid that why would you make such a poor financial decision.
To be fair, this is a blog, not a news source. I don’t mean that in any negative way, but a blog, is a blog, is a blog. At times they’ve broken stories. They’ve got some wonderful writers and some equally awesome people. However, this isn’t traditional journalism.
The GM batteries seem like a stop-gap, so they don’t lose too much market share while they develop their own. But it is odd that Honda and Toyota seem so far behind in electric vehicles; guess they didn’t think electric vehicles were the future.
Misleading story.
A clutch pedal
I find it absolutely baffling that Honda would create this ‘hatchback’ along with a nearly identical sedan. Considering how sedan-like this ‘hatchback’ is, Honda would have gotten away with just creating the hatchback as the only model. Hatch-haters still would have bought the ‘hatchback’ version thinking it were just…