
The slideshows wouldn’t be quite so terrible if they weren’t just zero-effort screenshots of harvested comments. Mercedes Streeter’s weird/interesting finds work OK as slideshows since they actually involve creative choices on her part, and there aren’t usually more than a half dozen or so. (The worst I’ve noticed is a

This isn’t unique to Tesla, just that it’s harder to access the 12v battery. For instance, the Nissan Leaf is known for killing the 12v battery for a number of reasons, like leaving the car on the charger for too long.

If Red Bull was running away with the championship with a 1-2 finish in every race I’d say ban it, but the truth is, they are going to have to work their asses off to beat Mercedes.

Now playing

him though, even when provoked you can’t hit a woman. them’s the rules. everyone knows them

It would be funny if Toyota just ignored EVs for a really long time, then they are like, fine, whatever, and convert the Prius Prime into an EV by making the electric motor a little bigger and throwing batteries in where the gas motor was, and all the sudden over a single model year they have an EV that beats half

5th Gear: I wonder how much light rail you could get for $2.8 billion?

Perhaps BMW could pursue an attractive vehicle.

I’m here in the Mid-Atlantic and folks are losing their minds. Ran a few errands yesterday and was going to stop for gas at Costco since I was near a quarter of a tank. The line was so long, the police had to come and direct traffic around it. Had plenty to make it home and since I’m still working remote, I figure I

Shit. You can walk to work by the time the engines warmed up... I used to have a workplace close like that. I’d ride my bike, and it took longer to drive. 

You might have to wait as long as, GASP, this weekend when service is expected to return to normal.

Rural town. Middle of nowhere Virginia.

What were you expecting, a chill normal dude?

Exactly, any SNL episode that produces at least a few good laughs these days is an improvement,

I just watched the whole show. Elon actually manages to poke fun at himself, something that 45 would never do.

Now playing

I watched it and thought is was pretty good... not the best SNL episode, but pretty good. I think ‘Chad On Mars’ was the best of the skits:

I thought it was a pretty funny episode, actually. They used him well. That old west sketch cracked me up.

I think he did better as a comedian than most of Jalopnik does with motorsports coverage. 

Right? This article is such a pessimistic hit piece.

On the other hand, he did a pretty decent job in the sketches.

And maybe that’s the question: Is there anything surprising about this CRV. Anything that makes you think - OK, maybe there is more to this vehicle than we thought.  It actually is a little interesting.