
The price just blew me away because it is SO much higher than the standard hybrid Rav4 that, when well optioned, puts it close to other luxury plugin hybrid CUV/SUVs. Plug in hybrids like BMW X3, Volvo XC60, Audi Q5, Mercedes GLC, are all within a few thousand dollars if you get the base model luxury model vs fully

Remember who used to be the world’s largest automaker? GM. And GM spent decades not really being very innovative. I own a 25 year old Tacoma. Its great. Its reliable. But Toyota also takes FOREVER to make even small changes to their vehicles. The current Tacoma is absolutely ancient compared to the offerings from

stock price > lives. You heard it here.

As much as Jalops try to deny it, SUVs are the new muscle car.

I worked in the car business from 2007-2019 (6 years in online sales, 6 years in an upper management operations position) and I can tell you while online sales are going to increase, brick-and-morter car stores aren’t ever going away.

Their big thing is no haggle pricing. Independent dealers would absolutely love to implement that, but no one ever wants to pay the price they’re given.

Yet another McLaren I will see in the wild and go, “hmmm, I have no idea what model that is” which is sad because my GF considers me basically an encyclopedia of cars. Any time she sees something sporty or rare she will ask me what it is, and I almost always know, but with McLarens I just say it is a McLaren because

Used to actually like and follow NASCAR a years ago, but got tired of all the Traitor’s Flags (stars and fucking bars) flying in the infield and said screw these people.

some people at a work place have access to jalop, but are blocked from sites such as twitter or any social media to keep production steady. i for one am grateful he posted this image. i mean...do we have to attack everyone for everything? dont answer that. its rhetorical really.

once suggested frying potato latkes in bacon fat.

NFSII  wow, that brought back memories.  I remember these cutscenes vividly.  

In case anyone wants to actually see the cool tires mentioned in the headline without going on a fucking goose chase:

You can tell by weighing them - they weigh as much as a duck!


Anyone who can afford to pay $50,000 extra to save 6 months of waiting likely doesn’t have an issue paying cash (or trading in a $50K vehicle) for the markup.

Pretty much this. Building a stupid car is fun. Buying someone else’s stupid car is just stupid.

These people gotta be paying at least the dealer markup in cash, banks won’t write loans for more than the collateral value. Can’t blame the dealers for trying to cash in on the stupidity of the wealthy. Are people really that impatient?

Part of the fun of owning something like this is building it yourself, so for me, automatic No Dice.

Having the balls to overshoot the ridge cap with a mixed-orientation layout is how they made it work, guarantee. It’s not exactly gorgeous, but it produces 50% more.

Yeah, if you actually sell the power you usually only get the wholesale rate which is garbage. It can work out well for commercial and industrial users, but not for residential. Fortunately, most states let you net meter which doesn’t make you money but does offset your power bill at a 1:1 rate. Some states also have