
It’s crazy that the same people who want cheap electric vehicles are often the ones pushing for more safety regulation in the US car market.  You can’t have both.

It does with stupid people, at least.

Auto companies are being pragmatic: They know a new sheriff may soon ride into town, but in the meantime, and just in case Sheriff Joe doesn’t make it, they are keeping their heads down, since Trump will hate-fuck your company into bankruptcy court. Just for the thrill of it.

Good post there Sally

The biggest problem is that they have to mimic the Hummer.

This is so badass. Just placed a deposit, supposedly for one of the first 50 units delivered in Spring 2021(!).

The base model EV2 is twice the price of a base Cybertruck, and a fully tricked out Cybertruck with Autopilot and triple motors is still cheaper than the base model. I’m sure Tesla will be fine.

I think the first competitor is gonna be the Model X. The Model X is... let’s face it, a very domestic friendly looking car. This should attract a lot of otherwise male Model X buyers who expect truck like utility from their EV

Did you see the price?

I agree with everything you said, except that flying is no more dangerous than going shopping. It sounds like there is good science that says its significantly safer than going shopping due to the rapid circulation of air.

I mean, even if the IATA’s take on the study is wrong, I see nothing in this article which says the original study by United and the DOD was flawed in any way, which means they are likely correct in the high safely of airplanes due to extremely high air circulation. Just because the data as far as how many people are

Totally.  53rd state, after we hook up DC and PR first.

Agreed. It’s down .02% right now. This is click-bait material.

I have friends from my old research group that live in China.  They’re more concerned about my wellbeing and covid here than they are about their own safety.  They’re fine compared to us. 

The company I work at has offices in China, and those colleagues have been back to work for a few months now. Basically they say most things are back to normal, they’ve had no cases at the offices. So even if the government is lying about numbers, companies seem to be operating more or less normally, which leads me to

I’m really curious if that’s true. Strict lockdown measures really can work. It worked for South Korea, Taiwan, etc.

It’s stuff like this that makes me absolutely love Jalopnik, no matter how much the new owners try to destroy it all. 

Now THAT’S a Jalop story!

Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.