
it’s really hard to justify a $50,000+ luxury car when $20-30k volume cars have really stepped up their game and closed the gap.

Roll back safety standards????

The A and B-class are awesome. Stop the hate :o)

I’d like Mercedes to step slightly away from the “luxury” side of things and right into “high quality” what I perceive they used to be.

If you truly believe in the manual, put your money where your mouth is.

I say this as a diehard manual owner (up until about six months ago, we hadn’t had an automatic in years, and it was actually a Mercedes): While the death of any three-pedal manual is sad, I can’t help but think, “Whatever.”

I mean, he’s leaving the hospital, and heading to an extremely well appointed and well staffed “home” medical center. It’s a 24 hour urgent care center essentially, with a crash cart, and some of the best doctors around probably, plus a moment’s notice standby helicopter ride back to one of the best hospitals in the


This is as I feared, a worst case scenario. He had minor symptoms, and has learned nothing and will minimize covid even more now.

I’ve firmly been in the “god does not exist” camp for a very long time. However, I’m starting to believe now. I believe that there may, in fact, be a god, and he’s an enormous fucking dickhead.

Just gonna leave this here...

Bristol on dirt sounds like a hoot. And Road America? Wow, I might actually start watching some NASCAR again... five laps in, so I miss the invocation and the Army propaganda...

Yes, we seem to be at the dot-com pre-crash moment with EV startups. Most will never deliver a viable product, let alone make money. No-one can make money on EVs without emissions credits and consumer subsidies. This will change, but not fast enough to save the ones that are all hat and no cattle.

Like the Element and the Ridgeline, all of the Crosstour owners I’ve talked to have loved their car. Honda was probably a decade ahead of its time with that car, and the market wouldn’t accept it.

I had an ‘89 hatch and a ‘98 hatch. Cars like that are too small for modern crash tests (and American market tastes) unfortunately.

I never got the hate for the Crosstour. It’s an Accord wagon with nice lines and a bit of a lift. It is probably comfy, useful, reliable, and reasonably priced. The first time I saw one, I thought it looked a hell of a lot nicer than most of the stuff in its market segment, plus hey, it’s a wagon! What the hell is

Agreed. After the value cratered, GM most likely will be asking for a stake proportional to that to make up for it. Nikola is so desperate at this point, they’ll likely agree to whatever onerous terms are put forth. For the given benefits GM will probably take whatever reputational hit there is (cynics will say they

Yeah Civic’s basically a borderline midsize family car now.

GM was attracted by their hideous pick-up design and only found out later it was electric.

Private party - Yes I would try to disclose all known problems.