
Can we keep the videos at least? Oh man, Alicia Silverstoneā€¦

Queensryche-Empire on cassette. I don't know how to make my keyboard do umlauts.

That album kicks so much ass.

Audacity is a pretty solid program you can use to rip vinyl.

Downvoted. I want a physical representation that's worthy of my not particularly hard-earned money. Leather bound, perhaps. As for you sir, like Willy said, "you get nothing!" I didn't really downvote, by the way, because that's mean and I would feel bad. But you still get nothing.

There's a third one? How was it?

Honestly, I would pay for a compilation of all your letters.

Elvis Costello.

My sincere gratitude to you, Nudeador Viking the Third, as your letter has brought considerable joy to my depressing Christmas Eve workday.

Amy Schumer: hot or not hot? Discuss.

I said the same thing like an hour into my social work grad program.

Dude. Bat Out of Hell 2. Nuff said.

Buffalo. Awesome.

Clan of the Cave Bear vs. Clan of the Weasel. I'm excited now.

Super Mario Bros. Frustration or GTFO.

Is there one of these for Dr. Quinn? That show kicks ass.

Making me shit myself is no way to raise the bar.

I Think I'm Going Bald is worse.

Snakes & Arrows is great.

It really wasn't bad at all, just uneven. I know that's a vague answer to a specific question but it's all I got:/