
Dang! Nobody remembers how great Satan's Bed is.

Holy shit this was awful. The movie, I mean.

Every time I hear of this Chappie movie I get all nostalgic for Iron Eagle.

The A.V. Club!

Well that's actually very cool. I did not notice last night. Good call, Whovian.

Wasn't Fabio in the Jill Sobule video?

Pearl Jam-Got Some and Katy Perry-I Kissed a Girl.

Yet our best RB since Thurman Thomas was undrafted. Go Bills.

Well, there is that scene with Lea Thompson in her underwear.

Mouth of disorder, brown mexico day.

This I like very much.

Duff's>Anchor Bar

The new album is worth a careful listen if you haven't heard it yet. It's no Bright Lights, but a step up from the last two.

Cisco is a little creepy, no? I could see him playing a sadist very convincingly. I hope they do a "bad Cisco" thing down the road.

Was that any good?

This headline is not true.


Kevin Hart. Why?

I believe that's the Brown Note.

In the Blood is a great song.