
Nice touch throwing Spoon onto this week's soundtrack.

Go back to it! The Following is amazing. You will think "this is definitely the worst show ever. It cannot possibly become more offensive, lazy, or just straight up assy". And then in the next episode it will prove you wrong.

Damn, this show is hilarious.

Right there with ya. Lady Washnfold was slow to come around but eventually saw the light.

They really are two different bands. I love them both, but I guess if for example Andrew Bird, who I also love were to hang up the violin and put out a really synth-heavy album I would probably have a hard time getting into it just based on the massive departure. So I see where old-school Rush fans are coming from,

I got really into Rush about 20 years ago, around the start of high school for me so the whole keyboard era was never a huge letdown or anything. I lived through it, but only literally. And honestly, I genuinely love most of their 80s output. Signals is the only Rush album I cant listen straight through although the

Mom says I was a huge REO Speedwagon fan when I was 4 or 5, but everything I am and ever will be is owed solely to Rush.

1. Clancy Brown is awesome.
2. Flash back to 5 years ago: Poor Man's Jeff Goldblum has the exact same glasses on. Who has the same glasses for 5 years?

Screw that, go Canada!

As a devoted, long-term fan I'm enthusiastically…undecided. Also, fuck you Billy Corgan or whoever decided that the Adore reissue on vinyl would be 35 bucks with no additional tracks or download code. And fuck me for paying it.

The Edge
will trim a hedge
with Sister Sledge

One time I pooped in the shower. Sometimes you think you'll feel better when you let something out, and you do. Much like that shower this is not one of those times.


Too far?

"Here I Come On Honey Boo-Boo"?

At my first PJ show I threw up in the parking lot before we went in, then late in the set the guy behind me started peeing and got me on the back of the ankle. Still a great concert though!

I'm no great admirer of Brigitte Nielsen, but Chained Heat 2 was excellent. That's what I thought at 13 anyway.

His whole life is at the gym!

This show is fantastic.

Wolf Like Me, TV on the Radio.