
His face is just ludicrous. I'm not convinced he's actually human.

Is this a sponsored post?

Mike Byrne didn't leave the band, he's just out trying to find Billy some Cambodian breast milk and left handed golf clubs.

On the Table.

Does he still roll in the hay with Shannon Tweed? And is she still hot? I was just flipping through a Shannon Tweed Playboy from 1998 yesterday. She had a profound impact on my adolescent years.

More solo work now? Field Manual wasn't bad.

Probably at work. I was always ordering them around lunch time, if memory serves.

I was just telling my girlfriend about a stretch in 1993 when I ate a medium pizza from Domino's every day for 17 straight days. Oh, to be 13 again.

Interesting. I always felt that Bale made the better Batman, Keaton the better Bruce. Keaton did a much better job, IMO, of bringing a little crazy to Bruce Wayne. Bale played him like an overgrown boyscout. For me, the best Bruce Wayne scene in any of the Batman movies is in Vicki Vale's apartment: "you wanna get

This show has stayed absurdly faithful to "nucular" throughout its run. I blame it on debuting during the Bush years.

When Ian figured out the video feed had been tampered with, was anyone else hoping to cut to Dennis Hopper screaming and setting off the detonator?

This touched my heart.

Well then 'sup?

Least favorite for me is a toss up between Mofo and Yahweh. They have quite a few songs that I can take or leave, but those 2 actually make me angry.

Very sorry for that! I think I meant to type Mofo instead of Miami, since I hated both of those songs and they blend together in my mind. Playboy Mansion I'm with you on…its inoffensive but totally forgettable.

Please tell me you took your name from One Crazy Summer.

Skip over Miami and The Playboy Mansion and it's a fantastic album.

There are 2…maybe 3 bad songs on Pop. Discotheque is not one of them.

Intellectually I do as well. Reflexively…it's a struggle.

No problem! To be a little more forthcoming, for me it's not that someone tried something I don't like. Rather, I draw potentially unjustified conclusions about their other interests based on one small example, and decide we probably have nothing further to talk about. I won't actually write someone off for watching