
Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

At least I won't be lacking for tears to facilitate my post-work solo session.

That's a fair question. A friend of mine recently binged all of GoT, having never previously seen it, and declared it overrated. Same friend loves Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. Respectable, those, but certainly of the three I would not expect GoT to get the lowest rating. But I have never seen BB so maybe I'm way off.

My girlfriend watches it. I don't know how she can find BBT funny, and yet Kingpin pries not even a giggle out of her. Spaceballs? She couldn't get through 5 minutes. But she'll watch Community with me all day. It's a many splendored thing…

Big Bang Theory. Not that you care, but we will never be friends if you ask me about this show or mention ever having seen it.

There's something wrong with undershirts? Damn, I'm doing nothing right.

Between this and Bones Fox might have the 2 worst hours on television. And I can't stop watching either of them.

I knew it! Koz appeared on Family Matters, didn't he?

Actually Ryan said to Mike that it was the universe that owed them, not God. I'm legitimately sorry that I watch this show closely enough to remember that.


My own thoughts sound like cookie monster thanks to you. I'm not saying that's a bad thing.

Agreed. Riot Act in particular gets short shrift. That album, for me, is second only to Vitalogy.