
Plus, the restaurants Ramsey encounters in the UK version seem like they have a good shot at being saved. They're mostly good restaurants with good staff that have some fatal flaw. The restaurants in the American version seem doomed no matter what Ramsey does.

It is amazing that so much money is so often spent on so many expensive computer effects that ultimately look so cheap. See also: "The Hobbit."

One more minute of watching an old man with birdshit on his face molesting a hedgehog and I would have committed some ultra-violence.

Every time I see a Simpsons ad on TV, I am surprised that even though that show was like my third parent, I haven't watched it in years. Or talked to my actual parents for that matter. Hm.

Is there a portal to your dimension somewhere? Because I would like to go to there. Wait… actually, answer this first: How many X-Men movies have there been?

I'd disagree about the Pillow/Blanket fort one, but you're spot on about the L&O episode (which I enjoyed, but was a pretty obvious spoof). Community's at its best in episodes like "Secret Garden" (the trampoline one) and "Modern Warfare" where it adapts genres to Greendale, rather than vice versa. I think "Modern

"Listen to your friend, Billy Zane. He's a cool guy." is my favorite line to deploy in real life.

Is it asking too much that the Coppola family just finally all get together and make the shittiest film they possibly can? What I'm saying is: I want to see the F. Ford Coppola of "Jack" direct a movie based on a Roman Coppola of "Charles Swan" screenplay, starring Sophia Coppola, a restrained Nic Cage, and featuring

4 seasons from the Dunk and Egg novellas? Dude, at this rate, Jackson would try to make 4 seasons out of a single chapter where Tyrion eats pickled goat or some shit and wonders where whores go and how words are just wind.

Yeah, dude's going to hell anyway. Might as well get a free Benz out of it.

Its naked contempt for "American Beauty", in a time when people still thought that was a good movie, won me over.

Ohmygod, I would have actually wet myself in euphoria had Herzog been behind the camera.

Ohmygod, I would have actually wet myself in euphoria had Herzog been behind the camera.

The greatest dig the show's ever thrown at Jerry was that Newt Gingrich knew his first name.

The greatest dig the show's ever thrown at Jerry was that Newt Gingrich knew his first name.

Yeah, the "I dislike her because she's so desperate to get an Oscar!" is dumb, especially since Bill Murray is exactly as desperate, and has been for years, and yet I never see anybody give him shit about it.

Yeah, I don't get it either. I like her. Her response to Matt Lauer about the upskirt shot was pretty great, too.

Sad to see Phipps go, he's been one of my favorite pop culture writers, and made the AV Club the great site it is today. He leaves behind a great legacy here. Looking forward to reading his stuff elsewhere.

Sad to see Phipps go, he's been one of my favorite pop culture writers, and made the AV Club the great site it is today. He leaves behind a great legacy here. Looking forward to reading his stuff elsewhere.

Bilbo Baggins, Arthur Dent, Dr. Watson, AND /im from "The Office." Dude has played the Ultimate Everyman in every genre we have.