
Bilbo Baggins, Arthur Dent, Dr. Watson, AND /im from "The Office." Dude has played the Ultimate Everyman in every genre we have.

I actually liked the *idea* of Faramir being deeply tempted by the Ring and then ultimately rejecting it, even knowing it would make his father hate him even more. But it was poorly executed, especially since Faramir happily lets Frodo go off to Mordor just after seeing Frodo nearly hand over the Ring to a Nazgul.

I actually liked the *idea* of Faramir being deeply tempted by the Ring and then ultimately rejecting it, even knowing it would make his father hate him even more. But it was poorly executed, especially since Faramir happily lets Frodo go off to Mordor just after seeing Frodo nearly hand over the Ring to a Nazgul.

Seriously. Dude does not understand the difference between "can" and "should."

Seriously. Dude does not understand the difference between "can" and "should."

The machinery even looks startling like EVE

The machinery even looks startling like EVE

Congrats, guys! That is pretty awesome.

Congrats, guys! That is pretty awesome.

Just to clarify, the official title of the movie is: The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. That added "the" pretty much sums the film's glory up right there. It is to typical cop movies what Herzog's English is to normal English: slightly-off, eloquent, deep, and darkly hilarious.

Just to clarify, the official title of the movie is: The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. That added "the" pretty much sums the film's glory up right there. It is to typical cop movies what Herzog's English is to normal English: slightly-off, eloquent, deep, and darkly hilarious.

Breaking Bad-themed Myth Busters episode?
Cover it or I will throttle you with a bike lock and then dissolve you in acid.

Breaking Bad-themed Myth Busters episode?
Cover it or I will throttle you with a bike lock and then dissolve you in acid.

Yeah, I walked out of the theater thinking, "that was all right." It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized the movie's screenwriter had written a scene where a fictional Famous Author praises the movie's characters and plot (in the guise of praising Hanks's novel, which is the same thing) and then has himself

Yeah, I walked out of the theater thinking, "that was all right." It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized the movie's screenwriter had written a scene where a fictional Famous Author praises the movie's characters and plot (in the guise of praising Hanks's novel, which is the same thing) and then has himself

Ah. The trailer didn't look very promising until the very end when it appeared that the Scouts are, in fact, actually crucifying Knoxville. I'm sad to learn that's not really the case, because that would have been awesome.

Ah. The trailer didn't look very promising until the very end when it appeared that the Scouts are, in fact, actually crucifying Knoxville. I'm sad to learn that's not really the case, because that would have been awesome.

It must have led to crushing depression, knowing that his beloved friend E.T. abandoned him to return to a shitty JarJar Binks-inhabited galaxy.

It must have led to crushing depression, knowing that his beloved friend E.T. abandoned him to return to a shitty JarJar Binks-inhabited galaxy.

Yeah, that one stuck out for me, too. Like, I loved Knight Rider as a kid (despite not having a terminal disease) and I am positive that Russell Crowe is a lot older than me. Or maybe being a really shitty band ages you prematurely. Billy Bob Thornton is only 27, after all.