
Crystal Skull would get my rating, since Lost World at least has some great scenes (cliff, raptors in the grass) and the last bit in San Diego is fun, if silly, nonsensical, and tonally off from the rest of the movie. I can't think of a single redeeming moment in Crystal Skull.

It is not countered. You can put all the fine-aged cheddar you want on top of a shit sandwich, it's still a shit sandwich.

Yes! You really get at what Smith brought to the role that makes Boddicker one of the great screen villains of all time.

Will never stop laughing at:

I think Shia LeBeouf got tired of all the bullshit, Lichtenstein-esque justifications for outright "artistic" plagiarism going on the art world and decided that the only way to stop it was by forever tainting the movement with the stench of the most hated man alive: Shia LeBeouf.

I remember that in one of the The Matrix sequels when the old Zion council member dude tells an insomniac Neo, "I slept enough in the Matrix, I'll sleep when I'm dead" or some such thing. I was like, "No, dude, you still need a good night's rest every night to function properly, especially if you're running an

Intro to Teaching made me realize that what Community does at its best (much like the Simpson's did with Springfield back in the day) is make Greendale seem like a real place filled with insane, wonderful people who easily form angry mobs.

Pro-tip: Always skip the first paragraph or 2 of a Handlen review, b/c it will inevitably be a personal anecdote or vague philosophizing about the general theme of the show/movie in question. After that they're usually pretty good.


Very heavy books covered in poisoned spikes.

I know you be trollin', but still. It wasn't a YouTube video. It was screened at Cannes for Chrissake. Shia LaBeouf is a major movie star. This is the fourth short film he's made. He is not an amateur by any definition of that word. And even if he was some nobody making a YouTube video, IT WOULD STILL BE PLAGIARISM

Ben Savage is the poor man's Fred Savage.

"It is better to keep ones mouth shut and have people think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right" - Shia LeBeouf

Well, he started as the Poor Man's Ben Savage, so Poor Man's James Franco is at least a step up from that.

I generally agree, but they said "superheroes" not "Superman" and are clearly also including Batman, a character who has served as a vehicle of moral inquiry for a long time.

I hated MAN OF STEEL, too, but this comment: "superheroes—impossibly powerful, infallibly good—are maybe the least appropriate vehicles imaginable for moral inquiry" is flatly ridiculous.

Venom could be awesome, if done well. Think about it: he's the anti-Spider-Man, with all Spidey's powers. He knows Spider-Man's secret identity. He doesn't trigger Spidey's spider sense. He HATES Spider-Man and his only goal is to murder him. Treat a Venom movie like a horror movie and you've got a pretty great

Nothing drives me crazier than "supposedly smart person in demonstrably fantastical world does not believe in fantastical thing." Like in the last Harry Potter book when Hermione scoffs at the notion of the Deathly Hallows existing even though, y'know, she's a witch who goes to magic school and is personally

Cut Radagast (or make him not viscerally unpleasant) and the Azog and it's a great movie.

This could be good if it's smart and keeps a tight focus on Tolkien's service during WW1 (when he started writing the stories that eventually became The Silmarillion) and the love story between him and his wife (which is actually somewhat compelling, and inspired the Beren and Luthien story).