
Yeah, that one stuck out for me, too. Like, I loved Knight Rider as a kid (despite not having a terminal disease) and I am positive that Russell Crowe is a lot older than me. Or maybe being a really shitty band ages you prematurely. Billy Bob Thornton is only 27, after all.

I paid $5 to see it. It was worth exactly that. A solid movie, deserving better than its reputation, but not much more. The multi-armed green dudes were cool, but everything involving the human Martians and their cities was cheesier than a Wisconsin fart.

I paid $5 to see it. It was worth exactly that. A solid movie, deserving better than its reputation, but not much more. The multi-armed green dudes were cool, but everything involving the human Martians and their cities was cheesier than a Wisconsin fart.

Man, I loved "In Bruges," but the marketing for "Seven Psychopaths" made it look like some warmed over post-Pulp Fiction garbage leftover from 1997.

Man, I loved "In Bruges," but the marketing for "Seven Psychopaths" made it look like some warmed over post-Pulp Fiction garbage leftover from 1997.

Agreed. The coverage of this book has been really frustrating, and this was the first review I've read that didn't make me want to headdesk repeatedly after reading the umpteenth variation of "OMG TEH SEXX BUT WIZZERDS!"

Agreed. The coverage of this book has been really frustrating, and this was the first review I've read that didn't make me want to headdesk repeatedly after reading the umpteenth variation of "OMG TEH SEXX BUT WIZZERDS!"

10000% agree. I could get on board with 2 movies since it would mean they wouldn't have to cut narrative corners and could maybe throw in some fun stuff, but 3?! The third movie is gonna suck serious troll balls.

10000% agree. I could get on board with 2 movies since it would mean they wouldn't have to cut narrative corners and could maybe throw in some fun stuff, but 3?! The third movie is gonna suck serious troll balls.

I used to feel bad that I hated Radnor just because Ted on HIMYM is one of the most douchey, insufferable characters in the history of human narrative. I feel better knowing that I can now hate Radnor for his movies, too.

I used to feel bad that I hated Radnor just because Ted on HIMYM is one of the most douchey, insufferable characters in the history of human narrative. I feel better knowing that I can now hate Radnor for his movies, too.

I just can't reconcile the Eddie Murphy you talk about here with the Eddie Murphy that exists in the 21st Century.

I just can't reconcile the Eddie Murphy you talk about here with the Eddie Murphy that exists in the 21st Century.

Born in 1980 and I feel the exactly the same way.

Born in 1980 and I feel the exactly the same way.

Oh, VR. So 90s…

Oh, VR. So 90s…

I hate the Soap Opera effect and for the life of me I can't understand why it doesn't bother more people. How do they not notice?!

I hate the Soap Opera effect and for the life of me I can't understand why it doesn't bother more people. How do they not notice?!

I thought he'd be the kid (future Joffrey) that Rachel and Batman saved in the first film. Rachel even says "Bruce?" when Batman flies off when the three of them are on the roof. I figured he heard that and put two and two together pretty easily. But the orphan thing worked, too, for me.