
I thought he'd be the kid (future Joffrey) that Rachel and Batman saved in the first film. Rachel even says "Bruce?" when Batman flies off when the three of them are on the roof. I figured he heard that and put two and two together pretty easily. But the orphan thing worked, too, for me.

Agreed. The Hobbit is pitch perfect.

Agreed. The Hobbit is pitch perfect.

::slow clap::

::slow clap::

I don't even know you, but you are dead to me.

I don't even know you, but you are dead to me.

Joel Stein is the opposite of Batman.

Joel Stein is the opposite of Batman.

Agreed on Todd in "Community." I love the idea of a normal person finding the Study Group infuriating, but the way the Group themselves turn on Todd and ridicule him felt very out of character for them. They're nuts, but they're not assholes (except Pierce).

Agreed on Todd in "Community." I love the idea of a normal person finding the Study Group infuriating, but the way the Group themselves turn on Todd and ridicule him felt very out of character for them. They're nuts, but they're not assholes (except Pierce).

Man, this is the most reputation-destroying interview since that M.I.A. interview with the truffle fries. I mean, that picture plus Samberg confessing that he begged to be in "That's My Boy."

Man, this is the most reputation-destroying interview since that M.I.A. interview with the truffle fries. I mean, that picture plus Samberg confessing that he begged to be in "That's My Boy."

Also, in my experience, human beings don't grow or develop. We're all just the same, self-absorbed assholes. A show where all the characters remain essentially the same is, in my mind, a f*ck load more realistic than one where they are growing and developing once a week. How many people do you know make significant

True. I think where we can make progress, though, is having parents, teachers, fellow students, etc. more aware of it and try to get the bullies to stop and support the bullied. It's complicated, though, since I'd guess in a lot of cases the bullied are also bullies themselves. I was bullied as a kid, but I was also a

I will never understand how a show primarily about Charlie Sheen's STD-riddled penis became the go-to show for Middle America.

It's honestly something I wish "Trek" did more of. Like, I get that Data would have fun playing Sherlock Holmes, but surely the Vulcans came up with some truly amazing detective fiction that would put Conan Doyle to shame.

I don't love-hate Ted, I just flat-out hate him. I hate Ted's character so much I have also come to (unfairly) viscerally loathe the actor who plays him and Bob Saget.

Agreed. I just hate the Mountain and Ramsay Bolton, too. They're just pure, brutal evil. But I, too, love Littlefinger, to the point where I've started actively rooting for him.

I agree, this was a good episode, and it was nice to focus on Will and how he can be an asshole, but also be a good person in the end. But for an episode about Latin Music, there was shockingly little… Latin Music. I mean, we got "Hero" and "La Cucaracha," both of which only sort of count, but other than that we got