
"Tintin himself doesn’t have much personality, apart from determination and curiosity; he’s the narrative equivalent of a crowbar, a simple, sturdy tool that’s largely useful for prying and occasionally thunking a goon on the head."
Sounds a lot like Harry Potter. And Luke Skywalker. And both of them had really

I really believe that in 5 years we're all gonna look back and be shocked at how much we loved "Hugo." I'm totally with Tasha, it's the most overrated movie of the year. I mean, the Melies stuff toward the end is AWESOME and I loved that more than anything else I've seen in the theater this year, but the actual frame

New Year's Eve was also probably hampered by the fact that New Year's Eve is somehow an even shittier holiday than Valentine's Day and most people think about and celebrate it only when forced to on December 31. I mean, at least Valentine's Day taps into some childhood trauma for most of us and lets you wallow in

Awesome. You're my hero, Todd VDW

I dunno, Evanescence may be a '00's band in strict space-time continuum terms, but spiritually, they're '90's all the way. Depressing post-grunge white suburban edgy angst masked by mediocre wanna-be metal guitar power chords. And I say this as someone who generally enjoys Evanescence.

The first three paragraphs are an excellent example of the AV Club's TV reviews, especially as practiced by Zack Handlen and Todd V.D.W. Basically: general cultural theory and/or anecdote for 3-4 paragraphs, followed by 2-3 paragraphs of actual review, then stray observations. Much like the shows, sometimes it works

I agree with you for the most part. I felt this was one of the worst episodes the show's ever had. I thought the group was uncharacteristically mean-spirited, the Chang subplot totally whiffed, and Michael K. Williams still isn't working right for this show (I mean, he was great on the Wire, but comedy clearly isn't

We'll all see you in hell, Todd (and will compliment your fine Glee reviews when we do. Seriously, they bring me far more pleasure than the show).