At what level (and at what cost) does the Superstar Machine bestow the arcane knowledge of paragraph breaks? Because the SSM posters in these comments are posting some completely-unreadable walls of texts up in here.
Also: “Hot School teaches women how to be damn hot. Like, really smokin hot, to men.” You say that like…
The comments from current members are a great testament to the accuracy and fairness of your article. Those are exactly the kind of comments I would have expected current members to write. I actually thought at first they were parodies.
This guy finishes up with his Superstar Machine meetings and immediately heads to his local MRA hangout and is high-fived by everyone there.
“He said men asked too many questions,” Poppy says. “And interrupted what he was trying to do.”
How difficult do you think it is to start your own cult? I mean, we get hung up on the People’ s Temples and Heaven’s Gates, but there have got to be tons of smaller, lower key ones out there that are making bank, right? Like, Montana has the Church Universal and Triumphant, or The Source Family in Cali in the…
Exactly on the obligation part. It is a “for life” decision.
I didn't know either - is there something wrong with me that my mind immediately went to some sort of combination of "tot" and "hot" because of some of their questionably-aged models?
Meanwhile, Julian Edelman, just back from a three-hour jog in the rain, has poured himself a bowl of gravel to enjoy in his empty kitchen.
The epidemic of antagonistic hat wearing in this country is at an all-time high, I feel like the NFL needed to show the world how it wasn't going to support players to antagonistically wear hats when told not to.
Don't get me started on their "breast cancer awareness month" that gives like 5% of the profits for pink jerseys to actually fund breast cancer research. The NFL owners are already very wealthy men and there's no such thing as too much money, I guess.
Bbbut - it's about ethics in mayonnaise journalism.
Rock out with your Hawk out, amirite?
Will Will's will will will Will Will into the end zone.
[tentatively raises hand]
Jane Austin's novels primarily concern plucky young women having to choose between dashing alt-country singers and earnest Java developers all the while set in the glamorous backdrop of a three hour line-up for BBQ.
That hair. That hair is manufactured by a beauty company whose research team is made up of galactic lionfish who found a 1974 issue of Vogue orbiting in a cloud of interstellar debris, and were inspired to go into the wig business for humans.
I've come to expect such odious behavior from Garfield Heights.
Why are you crying? Resting Crying Face?