
"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

With all this mystery and intrigue, only one thing is certain: Offshore boat racing is superior to onshore boat racing.

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

I find it incredibly interesting that throughout all of this, she's consistently failed to mention that UT-Austin didn't reject her outright. They offered her a chance to attend one of its system campuses (UT-Dallas was floated as the best option), earn at least a 3.2 GPA during her freshman year (she maintained a

"We would be grateful if the customer would give us the dress, so we can investigate how the additional label became attached and whether there are issues which need to be looked into."

The older she gets, the more beautiful she becomes.

The pants match the peplum too well - just looks like she pulled them up way too high. Almost makes this look, strangely, like an exercise outfit. Pretty lipstick & hair, though!

He's in his mind palace of titties.

British millinery is certainly a unique beast.

"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."

Yea but this cover ain't for you, homie.

Doesn't hurt that he's also kind of a CowBabe.

More like Matador-able.

If you mean Matador as in "killing it." Then, YES.