
I scared the living shit out of a team member today by sending her home as soon as she said 1. She had a cough and 2. She’s been to Georgia recently.

Also Tormund Giantsbane (AKA Kristopher Hivju) has tested positive and is self-isolating with his family. Tormund! If he can get it no one is safe!

I’m really glad I didn’t know it was Rick Perry last year. 

So true! I, too, am not dating Brad Pitt!

There is a funny but smart take on this theme. Secret Service hires a presidential doppelganger for an appearance (while the president is off having an affair). While this is happening, the real president has a stroke, and the doppelganger has to keep up the ruse. The twist: the First Lady hates her husband and falls

Whether you like either of them , these critiques of Sanders imply Joe Biden did something to get the black vote that Bernie didn’t when Bernie actually did more than Biden ever will to reach out to black people .

No, they don’t understand how government works. And despite having been in Congress for 30-odd years, neither does Bernie.

Be mad all you want it was a politically deft maneuver that completely blindsided the Sanders campaign but was spoken about in the media for weeks. That if you add up the moderate tallys they would beat Sanders. I say this as a Sander’s supporter. Politics is dirty and mean but this time around the thumb isn’t on the

Ok well, my bad all over the place and black people LOVE Bernie but just can’t pull the trigger when it comes to actual votes. I guess we’s just low-information plantation negroes who don’t know shit from Shinola, but will stand in line for 6 hours and flip the switch for someone we don’t mean to vote for, really.

Sanders ran his campaign like Trump. They “othered” everyone who wasn’t 100% in alignment and attacked them.  No wonder he couldn’t get over 30% when his campaign and supporters spend the last 5 years bashing the other 70% of Democratic voters, calling them neoliberals, centirsts, corporate shills, and the

Well that article from Newsweek is quite obviously wrong 

I saw people on Twitter with a straight face call the South Carolina voters “the billionaire class” 

She led with Bloomberg’s sexist comments which had nothing to do with Dixon. Liz created the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau which does nothing but sue banks for ripping off consumers. She didn’t need Dixon to cue her she took down the heads of Wells Fargo. Liz was already talking about stop and frisk and his

This piece deserves a ten minute standing ovation. I mean that Bernie interview last night was peak dude bros. Now to all you so called woke black folks ripping us “establishment low information stuck on the plantation black voters” I have some questions: After hearing Vermont Jesus last night say “Jim Clyburn and I

And his lack of outreach to black voters specifically. He REALLY needed to push better for them and it shows. Geez, I think his surrogates like the Squad did more work doing that than he did

Then you’d have to ignore Minnesota, Maine, Massachusetts, and purple North Carolina.

Nope, you are right.

Most of what I’m seeing is claiming that Biden’s wins don’t count because they’re in Republican states and so not representative of the Democratic population, even though I’m 70% sure the delegates are weighted for that.

From what I’ve seen (and I’m still looking into it), Bernie surrogates can blame anemic youth turnout for losing to Biden (in the states in which he did) on Super Tuesday.

There seems to be a cadre of folks who blame Hillary for losing to Trump because she was a horrible candidate but blame everyone else in the world when Bernie loses an election.