
The way this has played out has been one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. In some ways, even more depressing than Trump’s win in 2016. I have always felt (perhaps wrongly, as the Bros keep telling me) that Bernie poisoned the well in 2016. I blame him, at least in part, for Trump’s victory*. And in the

A story...It was 2015 and 2016 and Bernie jumps in the race. It was a rough-and-tumble battle, and I understood the dislike for Hillary Clinton amongst Bernie’s folks, if even I thought that it was sometimes too heated and seemed too personal. I got it. I could completely see how many of us understood that Hillary

And, BTW, I think either Bernie or Biden will beat Trump. I’m honestly not worried about that. Super Tuesday should be very encouraging regardless of who you voted for, because the suburbs - which we saw trending in our rout of the GOP in the House in 2018 - absolutely surged even more than they did in 2016. I also

I feel a rant coming on after last night...

Ya, but Sanders can’t take it back. If he is the nominee, Republicans are going to have a fucking field day with the socialism stuff, and it isn’t going to help Sanders or, perhaps more importantly, the Democrats down ticket.

“Look, I like Warren, but I just don’t think she can beat Trump” was a nonsensical, self-fulfilling caution. We can argue all day long about whether it was misogyny or not that propelled that argument, but, at the end of the day, there wasn’t any logic to it. She had great plans, backed up her opinions with data, and

She was an absolutely stellar candidate and it is absolute nonsense that I find myself stuck choosing between two men who are too old for the job, too blinded by their own self interest to support anyone else, and too lackluster as candidates to make me confident in either a win or a successful term in office.

failed in reaching the very same groups who he failed to reach last time essentially.

“Look, I like Warren, but I just don’t think she can beat Trump” was a nonsensical, self-fulfilling caution. We can argue all day long about whether it was misogyny or not that propelled that argument, but, ultimately, there wasn’t any logic to it. She had great plans, backed up her opinions with data, and listened to

Bernie needs to stop using the word “socialism” because a) he’s not a socialist, he’s a social democrat, and b) saying “socialism” loses presidential elections in the US because you have to appeal to a majority to win. 

So Bernie seems to have, after four years of having the chance to learn from the errors of 2016 and widen his reach, failed in reaching the very same groups who he failed to reach last time essentially.

Yeah, the Pete thing was weird. If I was like “He’s a thoroughly milquetoast candidate who I guess I’d vote for in the general, but see absolutely no reason to vote for in the primary” people were like “HE’S GROUNDBREAKING!” but if I was like “Hey, it’s still homophobia if you call him a ‘pussy-ass cocksucker’”

Wondering what the conversation is like on the Bernie team about how to walk back the whole “the candidate with the most delegates at the convention should be the nominee” thing.

The disconnect for me is that even a high school drop out should realize an omnicompetent policymaker is a better choice than a billionaire buying an election. I got my degree late in life but that doesn’t mean younger me didn’t appreciate competent and learned leadership.

The argument for a Bernie nomination rests quite a lot on the idea that he’ll get young voters to turn out in record numbers.

I think what I struggle with here is that...the information is out there. And from my point of view people are not taking the personal responsibility to access it seriously.

“I felt more like an insider, not an outsider. Before, I felt like I was just living here. Yesterday, I felt like a part of this country. I felt involved, like I was participating.”

I loved this! Although this - “Now that Trump is president, anyone can be president, including you” seemed like a low key slam on you. 

It went well. I felt more like an insider, not an outsider. Before, I felt like I was just living here. Yesterday, I felt like a part of this country. I felt involved, like I was participating.