
Good call to get away from the mass of releases that is happening in April.

It was more of the fact that they put no effort into her look being such a main stay character.

#NeverForget Tali in Mass Effect 3, NEVER FORGET!

Capcom was quite upfront with what it was going to be, but they could of just called this release Tournament Edition. Then never drop the price until story mode, send a second release that literally is the same thing with the added features on the box then since tournament edition launch.

This right here is the important part

Now if they make one that also transforms into decomposer mode, they can have all my money.

If any game is to have generic box art, it would be Doom, the game that made FPS into what it is today. Anything more to me would actually be bad in my opinion , this is Doom we are talking about, it should be generic because Doom is exactly that as FPSs are derrived from it.

One does not adventure in Mario, its designed linearly. There are no open aspects, the closest with be 3D world and even, its just a wide track still going forward.

Well. Square Enix is thinking on Gex(I hope it becomes true).

Mario is a platformer, games like Spyro, Jack and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank are more aking to action adventure games.

Just games like this period, really, its only Ratchet and Clank at this point. *Insert sadness*

Baby steps, you want to focus on one aspect at a time, let it become the new norm, then begin something new again etc. I hear people all the time say something like “I want to quit smoking and loose weight”, well that won’t happen at the same time, you will end up failing both and falling right back into old ways

Makes perfect sense, the Vita from a product standpoints was built to meet the Japanese market above all else, that was its stance and goal, home console quality on the go.

Im quite sure Umbrella started a similar way.........

At the moment I do 2, 1:10 normal planks (I increase 5 seconds each week or two),1 minute plank with knees tucked in, 1 min on each side where you take you arm and curl in; all for my main day. Light days I do 40 tuck in planks (I have no idea what they are called, you pull your knee to your elbow) and then do a few

Don’t get consumed in calorie tracking, its a guide , not a fine line. Treat weight loss like any scientific experiment, try , see how it works after a few weeks, asses, then act on that assessment.


One big suggestion I can give for that mental block, is switching when your big meals are. Going from Light Breakfast(which should be a fatty protein if your working out a lot), Big Lunch, and then Light dinner.

I hit a few hard plateaus for the weight loss, especially at 200 (which was my goal originally, now its w/e gets me a flat stomach) where the fat burning/muscle building cancelled out, was easily at that point for a month. But after that now I am back to dropping about 1lb a week.

I drink less Beer now then ever, if I drink it tends to Wine,Port, or Liquor . I think generally, what makes it a lot easier is attempting to expand ones pallet in all foods and drinks, and through that process you will find things that you enjoy that are healthy also. As far as carbs, I usually will take a sandwich