
They can be up to 45 mins. If you are new and unskilled then hunts can take an extremly long amount of time, in reality unless its a special event or a few specific monster its usually around 15 mins.

You will be fine as online is part of this version. You go online, start hunting with a group, it goes well for several hunts, they go to your friends list, you now have a group.

I don't understand why you would move from Mouse and Keyboard for a FPS to a controller.

Those arnt the greatest parts of those games though, where is the tension? The suspense? The false sense of security? The luls and the highs (puzzles and shooting zombies)? Where are the subtle chances when you return back to someplace where you have been? Where is the backtracking and exploration?

Its just gore, lots and lots of gore. Its not scary at all and it goes against some of the main tenets of what make a survival horror games work (see Boss Battles).

None of the movies are suppose to be scary, let alone good so no surprise there. Resident Evil 1-3 and select moments of Code Veronica were definitely scary at the very least to me. One moment that always stands out to me was in Resident Evil 3, it wasn't the dogs jumping our, or nemesis popping up out of no where as

Just because its more survival horror then anything out "right now" doesn't make it good.

Its not scary at all, from someone who is a fan of Survival Horror this really was a let down.

The Regal Griffin REALLLLLLY reminds me of the Bayonetta angel designs.

I like to describe these types of laptops as "lugable"

Your still stuck thinking short sited because your not considering the brand. Lets say they make a DR. Mario game or something similar for phones. Do you want some people's first experience with Nintendo to be a phone game? If that is there first experience with Nintendo, you think they will think highly of them, go

I wasn't aware you lived in the UK, when I replied you didn't make that comment yet. For the US it is by default.

You are looking at it from the wrong angle, consider it from the other perspective. For those who own a portable console now, what purpose would there have been to purchase one if all the games Nintendo makes for portable are on the phone? Or not even all games even if its just some.

Even if you are the biggest Warriors fan possible, Bayonetta is simply more value because its two games. Don't get me wrong, Hyrule Warriors is fun but Bayonetta 2 blows it out of the water.

They would cut into there own hardware sales.....

To be fair(I dont own a PS4), uploading videos is typically a taxing procedure. Uploading things to youtube of non terrible quality usually take a heavy chunk out of your internet.

If it does I havn't run into yet. The closest thing is the surfing part but you can still function like normal and do your usual attacks.

Thats a Europe exclusive

Bayonetta 2 is a very fun game and you should buy it. This is all I have to say.

So gender neutral isnt even gender neutral....