
Depressing that its only for Playstation systems, looks to be fun.

They really didn't have stronger realeses though. Microsoft's was incredibly average because they had to make up for last years disaster and they needed something safe or big to stay in the running. Sony has no need to pull out the big guns because they are in the lead , just keep doing what works, once again average.

I feel the Other M style(gameplay wise) would be great for the 3DS, it just needs to build a little on the complexity .

I still don't understand these Nintendo Direct... ok no in fact I understand them, but what I don't get is why Nintendo doesn't market itself more to a broader audience.
So they do their online conf. Very nice. Who watches it? Mainly fans. They know you guys are already bought up and ready to jump in. They need to go

Thats Tonight!

i wouldn't be to hasty with a 2015 release , there is no big holiday 2014 release for 3DS yet. If its MM or Metroid it would be perfect as a special edition most likely will come out also.

Was hoping to hear about a slim version but it is a bit early for that. Hopefully next year they announce or throughout the year.

Why no Mega Man and Bass? Such an overlooked game due to it only being on GBA State side

It's Capcom Syndrome

I always wondered why Metroid 2 never got a reboot

Better yet, in the shape of a Mario Hat. Another idea is that it's disguised as a Yoshi egg that sits next to it.

It would be glorious

Nintendo will up the Wii U to 128GB of storage. (Justification: They appear to be phasing out at least one of the 32GB models. They love bragging about how many copies of their new games are bought digitally. And because it's the year 2014 and a console with only 32GB of internal storage, well... that ain't right.)

I don't see this taking off, what makes steam so great is its already existing user base. Everyone for the most part is already on board with it and to top it off Steam offers perks for being DRM and mind you the DRM Steam is , is very minor and the perks far outweigh the negatives.

Well they lost a sale from me for taking so damn long. I just bought all the older DS versions, judging by the never arriving Android version I just assumed it would never happen.

It's been a long time since that was the case and no one here is asking for that, so lets not make this a black and white thing. As far as I can remember (im in my 20's) the only places that allowed(or at the very least permitted) you to smoke at the time outside of bars and casinos was diners and even then they

They you dont go to that place, it's capitalism 101. IF you don'y enjoy the place then don't give them money, if enough people agree with you the business will either adapt or die. I's like the ban on smoking in bars, it should be the bars choice to allow or disallow. Don't like the smoking? Go elsewhere . If people

Wouldnt the simple way to win this would be the third company, claim your tv is something like 4.1k , just a slight increase in resolution to draw all the attention away from sony tv's and samsung tv's until they realise they will need to stop being such a closed system?

At this point, E3 matters only for Sony and Microsoft. Perhaps Nintendo but the past few years says otherwise.