
No, because it's comparing franchises. That part of the point is that their major game releases are usually 1-2 per console so when they do come out they tend to be a fair bit different compared to previous iterations.

Thats what jumped to mind for me, audio and video editing.

When I used an E-cig to quit smoking, i used to vape all kinds of flavors(waffles was amazing with coffee). Even then, still never referred to it as an E-hookah.

So...its not really a hookah it simply mildly function like one due to hoses ? Because im quite sure what makes a Hookah a Hookah beyond from their ornate designs is the fact that they use water to filter tobacco thats been mixed with molasses .

So they hurt their own kind.....smart move.

So is this after the events of origins ? I always have an issue with DLC that adds story in the middle of a game when I already beat it.

I had Irish Poitin on my trip and it was damn tasty

Beer is an acquired taste like most good things in life :)

I bitch and moan constantly, my twitter is simply an extension of that.


That actually a very interesting idea of taking a single player game and adding multiplayer elements which has been a big theme on Nintendo's dial.

Aren't they getting rid of Uplay? It is just another level of "crap we dont need".

I have never played the Last of Us, but just on a general note this year did anyone else find 2013 somewhat lackluster ? 2012 was a much bigger gaming year and I felt for GOTY it was a much closer race.

6 was the sign of "Capcom has no idea what they are doing" for me. Just by the simple fact not every door could be opened, when before everything had a purpose.

Dead Space reached "young people" because it was essentially Resident Evil brought in the Modern era in Space. They where going the right path with RE 4 and kept getting away from there on and the only people left are now those who keep hoping each iteration will return to its roots but are disappointed.

Sure, but much like how traffic get piled up by people staying in a lane that they know is closing rather then getting over when they have the opportunity, they wait till the last minute and fuck everything up.

Sounds so....barbaric

I bought CAH for a gift at the start of December. Unlike most people I have managed to learn why you don't wait until last minute for gifts.

You know whats worse, I happened to overhear the news as I walked by the TV of people not getting packages on time for Christmas.

*Gasp*The online infrastructure goes down when lots of people at one time attempt to use it.