
I was fortunate enough to meet Rick Steves at my job once, as well as giving him a ride in my car. He needed to get to an event that was on my way home from work, so he and his wife rode along with me. He was kind, respectful, and great to talk with. I really enjoyed talking with him for the brief time I was driving.

As a reformed Catholic and former altar server, this is gold.

What’s the source for this gif? It’s gold.

When was the Bob’s Burgers discontinuation announced? I’ve been check daily to see if it was just really late.

That makes sense. As you might have guessed from the login name, I’ve played a lot of sports that beat up your feet. I’ve always been glad for my calluses, but my feet are pretty jacked up overall.

Why does anyone voluntarily remove the calluses from their feet? They’re meant to protect your feet, whereas taking all of the out skin off seems like you’re all but guaranteed to create blisters at some point.

Thanks for making me laugh out loud.

They’re all good bears.

That actually makes some sense, then. A rugby ball is held like this to allow passing to either side.

I know where you’re coming from. I went on a first date and saw 127 Hours. There was not a second date.

My parents told me and my siblings that the ice cream truck was called the music truck instead. Its entire function was to drive around playing music for the neighborhood rather than selling ice cream.


Using Tillamook definitely has to improve this. Their vanilla ice cream is incredible.


I see this every time.

That talk from Tom Brokaw was solid. Even if he was so deaf that he had to keep asking for questions to be repeated.

Yeah, Mitch Love was a coach for us from 2011 to earlier this year. He just took the job as head coach for the Saskatoon Blades. The part that I could not understand was that we did that “love” part even when he wasn’t a coach or a player for the team.

There’s a minor league hockey team in the Western Hockey League called the Everett Silvertips. If the Canadian anthem is played, everyone yells out “Love” for the name of a player that hasn’t been on the squad since 2005 and then they yell “fight” every time during the US anthem. They yell the fight part at every game.

Good luck in all your future endeavors, Hannah. 

I thought the scene in Munich was supposed to be very much unsexy.