
What a pack of assholes.

I can understand that. I had some friends from grade school that went to Blanchet and it worked well for them, while O’Dea worked for me. To each their own on that one.

Which Catholic school did you go to? I was at O’Dea.

I always think of this:

This is Shelby, my 8 year old adopted Weimaraner. We call this her senior photo.

At least once a day I hear about something being done by a member of the current administration and think “What an asshole”. Every single day.

I’m 6'4" and my wife is 5'2". Our wedding photos were pretty great.

Apparently Brann had a cameo in this episode too.

The whole movie is tremendously sad, but the one that gets me is Chris, their friend that was giving information to the English, asking them to tell his mother where he is buried.

Have you tried working with caseworkers from your local congressional delegation? They may be able to help with issues as they relate to the VA.

Your baby sounds awesome. My godson loves Mastodon.

I figured someone would make that joke the second I published without including Mountains and just writing Olympics. Nicely done.

It’s the same thing for the Olympics for me. I look at the across the water and they look huge, but the photos never do it justice.

Mt. Rainier in the distance, Cascade Range on the left.

Close- Spokane is north of Pullman.

As high schoolers my best friend and I used to go to Jack in the Box, order 50 tacos, and each eat 25 of them. We did this stone cold sober. I have no idea what we were thinking.

Because Central Washington University in Ellensburg and Eastern Washington University in Cheney are in major urban centers? There are Washington state college spread all over the state and not all of them are in places as liberal as Bellingham or Seattle, but that doesn’t mean that everyone there is some backwater

The entire crowd sang happy birthday to her as well. It was quite lovely.

It’s a service offered by Amtrak. If I remember the name correctly, it’s called Amtrak Express Shipping.

I was able to ship 250 lbs of stuff by Amtrak from DC to Seattle for about $220. It was by far the cheapest means of shipping things to move that I found. Granted, I had to get my stuff to the train station and pick it up from the train station in Seattle, but it was quick, easy, and cheap. I brought everything I