
I didn’t know that I choose to have medical bills as debt. I have chosen wrong.

And yet you probably look down on high school drop out homeless people.

“You choose debt” is probably the most naive, out of touch, daddy-paid-for-my-new-Tesla bit of nonsense I’ve heard in quite some time.

Yeah, it’s not like people need to get an education to get a decent job, or a way to get to a job, and that whole eating and having a place to live thing is over-rated.

To be entirely fair, the trailers were clearly trying to make it look like this would be their Guardians of the Galaxy, so my guess is people expected a lot more comedy. Dark comedy, maybe, but comedy.

Pocahontas (the First Nations princess) is in there. I don’t think there’s a princess from India. As for Tiana, I don’t know. They might have only had a small group of cosplayers. Belle, Jasmine, and a few others (such as Mulan) aren’t in there, either. The photos/costumes they do have are beautiful, though.

I don’t think that’s “stealing” as much as “using an established artistic technique”.

The First 10 minutes of UP! Just thinking about it makes me sad.

you probably shouldn’t prescribe medication to people for making wise and reasonable moves (unless it was for ever spending money on this game to begin with).

I’m very proud to be a pessimist. I can never be unpleasantly surprised.

Except the devs have had a ton of time to explain what they are going to do and instead say, “fuck pokevision because they are doing our jobs better than we can.” Everyone should get a refund until the game works properly. Don’t release a game that is so broken you can’t do the ONE thing that is core to the game

As someone who lives in a rural area, I’d ask that you not go about validating the stereotypes some of my neighbors apply to “city folk” by telling us we need to “move or shut up.”

Sure, our internet connections aren’t the best, and we have to travel some distance for high-end shopping and dining—but that doesn’t mean

So why exactly did they believe or do they believe that Star Wars falls under fair use? It’s a property as a whole owned by Disney / lucasfilm and an IP for the time being owned by EA. I’m just curious what led them to believe that the Star Wars Universe was fair use for what is essentially a competing video game?

Whaaaaaat?! You mean to tell me that giant slush that is a big bucket of sugar water and then has even more sugar added on top of it is bad for me?

Or if you’re getting it for just yourself, then you’re probably not ordering an entree like they mention.

So you mean a restaurant called “The Cheesecake Factory” may not have healthy food? Whoa there. I’m gonna need to think on this.

Also, you don’t HAVE to pick the five least healthy things on the menu unless you want to. It’s like saying “IF you ate everything on the menu, boy that would be a lot of calories!”

Just looking at 44 0zs of liquid sugar, generously topped with pure hard sugar makes me gag. Drinking one has to be vomit-inducing.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that sampler dish from Applebees supposed to be shared among four people? 825 calories per person is still high, but it’s a little more manageable of an intake.

And in other news, water is wet.