
Your parents are the one group of people that might not find it rude to help themselves to your apartment or literally eat you out of house and home while you go to work.

THIS trick will be forever useful, I shall remember it as the McDonald’s bluff.
Hence it is born, the McBluff

More likely to be wrecked, less likely to die.

Cause there isn’t a million other things for them to do now-a-days? If this one game doesn’t work for all of them while driving, they’ll still grow up just fine...

To align with their recent Michael Bay reboot of Transformers, Hasbro hired dozens of high-profile animation veterans across the industry and put them in charge of rebooting My Little Pony. It was a massive viral success, received critical acclaim for being a “show for little girls that was actually good”, and within

I’m judging older people who judge younger people who grew up with the game, cards and show, for still enjoying aspects of the thing they grew up with, especially in healthy ways that are good excuses to get exercise and explore.

But why connect and have fun with your children when you can occupy your time lamenting the fact that they’re all girls and act so damned girly all the time? Clearly, Parenting 101 involves talking smack about your kids to strangers on the Internet. /s

Or you could, you know, actually play the game with your daughter and go for nice, long walks with her (like I have with my kids since Wednesday). You know, actually be a good parent? Just know that I’m judging you.

I don’t feel bad in the slightest. Me and my little girls are having fun playing it in our neighborhood, and it encourages us to switch up our normal walking routine.

I also have a ten year old daughter, but I purposefully try to be into everything she is into, and guess what, life is damn fun because of it. Things I was into when I was a kid are still relevant and they give us something in common. The “generation gap” can go die in a hole.

Ya know, children like eating and breathing, too. You should stop doing both immediately, lest you be “childish” or “uncool” or whatever it is that makes you lose sleep over other people enjoying life.

I care. I care so much.

Why? For most people, they grew up playing Pokemon on their GameBoy or DS. This game was a huge part of their childhood. With this new game, they get to enjoy being 10 again for a little while. I can understand judging assholes for being lazy twats and driving around and being a general disruption, but just playing

I’m 25 and I’m eagerly awaiting the official Canadian release of this. I have owned every major pokemon game and love the franchise so screw anyone that says I’m an adult and shouldn’t enjoy this lol. That being said, I’ll stick to rollerblading with my dogs to catch the little buggers

I was playing this shit before your 10 year old was alive, so frankly Pat, I don’t give a damn.

Why can’t people young or old enjoy a game?

I’m thinking Pokemon go would be a tremendous excuse to tool around everywhere on a showy track bike and look super cool.

the problem isnt pokemon go... the problem is you lot using the car to go for walks......

I remember watching the first gen stuff as a kid, and found some of them on youtube to watch recently. It’s not great, but not terrible either, about on par with the first gen transformers that came out in that era. I think everyone back then was trying to figure out this whole “22 minute ad” thing, so the actually

In all fairness, while most of his stuff isn’t necessarily aimed at kids, for parody songs, Weird Al keeps it family friendly. Unlike most of the songs i downloaded on Limewire (ask your parents kids) attributed to him.