Clearly a Loser who doesn't have the drive to be the Best
Clearly a Loser who doesn't have the drive to be the Best
So familiar with this guy from my days scouting all-ivy academic sprinters
I do like that it exists though. I’ve gotten a couple of free games by selling those useless cards.
Wherever there is a ranking system, you can be assured someone is willing to spend money to get to the top of it.
Definitely gives a new meaning and perspective to the term “expendable income”. Blowing $13k on something like that would likely cost me a marriage.
Must be nice to have $13000 just laying around that can be blown on Steam games.
Nah....I’m not jealous I don’t have 10k to blow, I’m jealous I don’t have 10k at all.
When are the big companies and USOC going to learn to just let it go? I’ve never heard of Oiselle but good for them for sponsoring some of the lesser known athletes. The big companies let a winner slip through their grasp so now nobody can celebrate the athlete’s success? I probably am not the market for Oiselle, but…
Looks like they don’t have data from all the countries. For example, if you filter by continents, they only list Brazil in South America.
Remember kids, in a series that has included Cyborg Fairies, an old dude turning himself young again, a guy with a mouth where his stomach should be, and a fucking SPACE NINJA, somehow a fighting bear is going too far.
The loss of the Kuma and other out-of-the-box characters would be, wait for it...
I got Camscanner (Android) as soon as I learned about it back about 2009. I found it to be intuitively obvious how to use and get excellent results. I bought the pro version within a month and absolutely depended on it for my job until I changed industries.
Finally, some grounded advice around here.
She didn’t say “never quit your day job, staying where you are and toughing it out is always the right move,” it’s just that some people are under the delusion that if you aren’t absolutely in love with your job and want to scream to strangers about how passionate you are about it that you should quit and do something…
She looks almost identical to a friend I’ve taught with at game design summer camps. She also looks very different from other friends of mine who are in CS, engineering, or game design. Because people (and, in case you weren’t aware, women are people) come in all shapes and sizes and can dress however the fuck they…
Hey son, whatcha doing?
I am genuinely curious about what “girl nerds” and “girl techies” look like. I’m... actually not being hostile here. Please do go on. Assuming we’re abstracting this to doll levels of archetypal stereotype, what would you have put in the box?
They get to make it up as they go along and it all seems foreign to me now.
I don’t get it... if the parking lot is rented by E3, they can just prohibit anyone from setting up shop there.