
As much as I don’t hate Channing Tatum as an actor, I can’t imagine him spending 2 hours struggling through a Cajun accent is going to make for a watchable movie.

I remember watching the first gen stuff as a kid, and found some of them on youtube to watch recently. It’s not great, but not terrible either, about on par with the first gen transformers that came out in that era. I think everyone back then was trying to figure out this whole “22 minute ad” thing, so the actually

Real OG’s used Kazaa for their P2P hijinx back in the day.

Don’t worry, I try to avoid any sort of brain stimulation. That is why I spend so much time in the comments section of Gizmodo articles.

In all fairness, while most of his stuff isn’t necessarily aimed at kids, for parody songs, Weird Al keeps it family friendly. Unlike most of the songs i downloaded on Limewire (ask your parents kids) attributed to him.

My argument is that clarity is more important than your arcane grammar standards, since language is a tool of communication even to “dumb people".

So could we call this a wet star? A cloudy dwarf? ... A watery tart?

The “degrees Kelvin” complaint is just hopelessly pedantic, given that there are people in the world who don’t know that Kelvin is a temperature scale and the word degree gives need context.

Clearly a Loser who doesn't have the drive to be the Best

I think in the context of the universe and not puny earthlings, those temperatures are indeed close

So familiar with this guy from my days scouting all-ivy academic sprinters

RAM manufacturers hate him!

Let’s traumatize young children so the pixar movies can have more “memorable” endings.

I do like that it exists though. I’ve gotten a couple of free games by selling those useless cards.

Wherever there is a ranking system, you can be assured someone is willing to spend money to get to the top of it.

From a Nigerian Prince?

Definitely gives a new meaning and perspective to the term “expendable income”. Blowing $13k on something like that would likely cost me a marriage.

You can get one of these for less than $15. I’ve used one for many years. Doubt you can tell the difference in a blind test.

You can get one of these for less than $15. I’ve used one for many years. Doubt you can tell the difference in a

Nah....I’m not jealous I don’t have 10k to blow, I’m jealous I don’t have 10k at all.

When are the big companies and USOC going to learn to just let it go? I’ve never heard of Oiselle but good for them for sponsoring some of the lesser known athletes. The big companies let a winner slip through their grasp so now nobody can celebrate the athlete’s success? I probably am not the market for Oiselle, but