
You know gay men can have sex with women and have children, right?

I see what you are saying. I would also like to point out how minority LGBTQ community members are more ignored. Ex. the Stonewall movie totally whitewashed history.

To be fair it was never established in Generations that Demora Sulu was the product of a heterosexual relationship. All that Kirk says is “When did Sulu have time to have a family?” Demora could have been the product of surrogacy, adoption, or even some sort of 23rd century magic... And beyond that, Sulu actually

I see his point. Why, in the Trek verse, would someone be in the closet?

Uh, not actually how I’d read it but I can see where Takei is coming from. Since I’m not clinically psychotic, I know IRL it would have been unimaginable to have an openly gay character in the original cast movies, let alone in the original series. But in 2016, I think making a new LGBT character reeks of trying to

That was the joke, not a joke I would have made but the joke they made.

I thought it was pretty strange when I first heard it. Of course Takei is a well-known gay activist, but Trek is also pretty well-known for avoiding LGBT issues (at least in the main series), and Generations confirmed that the character had at least one heterosexual relationship and had a daughter.

You just accept that it’s unfortunate and try to find the best in the situation. I get both sides - they wanted to honor Takei and make an iconic member of the crew more diverse, Takei wanted somebody new introduced to add further diversity and not deal with the implications of closeting being a potential factor.

Takei it or leave it, buddy.

I hate myself.

Looks like they don’t have data from all the countries. For example, if you filter by continents, they only list Brazil in South America.

Remember kids, in a series that has included Cyborg Fairies, an old dude turning himself young again, a guy with a mouth where his stomach should be, and a fucking SPACE NINJA, somehow a fighting bear is going too far.

The loss of the Kuma and other out-of-the-box characters would be, wait for it...

You used SJW wrong.

For me the fact that she steps outside of her element to help out Archie’s mother, even if she’s not very good at it, comes off as sweet and makes her a more sympathetic character. YMMV.

I know this is a reboot, but really I don’t remember veronica this useless as a human being, she was pretty much equal to betty in knowledge, they just moved on different circles.

I admit I’ve never been a consistent Archie reader, and maybe I’m just demonstrating some kind of narrow-minded assumption about rich people here, but I have a really hard time imagining Veronica being responsible for a syntactic nightmare like, “Can’t find hardly anything.”

The new Archie comics look like they’re aiming to be a deconstruction of the old 1950s stereotypes that the original Archie comics relied on. Think of how Watchmen deconstructs the superhero genre. Same thing with the new Archie, it seems. Either way, Archie’s not supposed to be an accurate representation of real life.

“Is not knowing how to navigate a supermarket a rich thing or a young thing?”

Look at it this way: Cheryl Blossom finally gets her man, J.P. "Hiram" Lodge doesn't get Archie as a son-in-law (dreams come true!), and Betty and Veronica never fight over Archie again. Win-win for everybody!

I don’t own a TV.