
If they ever do get around to making a He-Man movie, I do hope they correct one of the things that always bugged me about the show (even as a 6 year old) and cast someone different to play Prince Adam.

“Biker Barbie” is itself an idea whose time has come.

I got Camscanner (Android) as soon as I learned about it back about 2009. I found it to be intuitively obvious how to use and get excellent results. I bought the pro version within a month and absolutely depended on it for my job until I changed industries.

Finally, some grounded advice around here.

She didn’t say “never quit your day job, staying where you are and toughing it out is always the right move,” it’s just that some people are under the delusion that if you aren’t absolutely in love with your job and want to scream to strangers about how passionate you are about it that you should quit and do something

She looks almost identical to a friend I’ve taught with at game design summer camps. She also looks very different from other friends of mine who are in CS, engineering, or game design. Because people (and, in case you weren’t aware, women are people) come in all shapes and sizes and can dress however the fuck they

Hey son, whatcha doing?

I am genuinely curious about what “girl nerds” and “girl techies” look like. I’m... actually not being hostile here. Please do go on. Assuming we’re abstracting this to doll levels of archetypal stereotype, what would you have put in the box?

I am glad Microsoft is starting to come to their senses on the whole, forgetting about the millions of people that play on PC, thing. It’s not that we don’t want to play any of the Microsoft games, it’s that we want to play it on the machine we put so much time into building.

if it’s not on Steam or GOG, i’ll never even know it exists

. . . whereas in reality, nearly every ruined relationship is entirely the man’s fault.

You really need to spend some time in the deli aisle and figure out your own needs. It would be unfair to the sandwich if it was only a sandwich of convenience.

Look, being single and happy is fine but you shouldn’t need worst case examples to validate that. I mean, it would be like not owning a car and then routinely browsing auto repair horror stories in order to feel happy about it. Most relationships don’t have emotional drama every 5 minutes.

you sound pretty young, get used to hearing strange things you dont agree with

As always, an enjoyable read that makes me realize I should never take for granted the relationship I have right now.

I love Dr. NerdLove articles.

Now playing

They get to make it up as they go along and it all seems foreign to me now.

I don’t get it... if the parking lot is rented by E3, they can just prohibit anyone from setting up shop there.

Yeah, I’ve been around a lot of warehouses and delivery/shipping areas and I’ve never seen trailers parked that way. That’s a wall built to do something.

I just want the really fat balloon, I wouldn’t know what to do with it but it makes me happy.