
Well, it was a story that Denton would never have hesitated to write or assign—and then post—five or 10 years ago. If that’s the company you join, it makes sense that you would expect that particular story to be defended by the company. Of course, that’s a dumb assumption, even if it makes sense.

It’s one thing to here the same belated script from every politician, followed by a month of government inaction until it happens all over again. But it’s another thing to see the solidarity at E3 literally the following day after it happened. And not just solidarity with the victims of the violence, but with the

yeah, let’s just pretend it didn’t happen. That will make everything better.

Funny that a GAMING WEBSITE ran a piece on the GAMING MEDIA.

And you’re right. The hallmark of terrorism is forcing people to live in constant fear. Unable to enjoy a stable and normal life. Tears must always be shed for the death of innocents, but the wheels must keep turning.

Spotify is a Swedish company and, thus, has been quite progressive about social issues for a long time.

you do understand that LOTR is a fantasy opera written by an literature professor from oxford after he fought in WWII in the 50's? also it had alot of more money because it was an “epic” trilogy that also had lots and lots of failed movies, animated series from the 80's? there is no way to compare both movies

80's B-movie with an modern budget and effects

There isn’t a single monolithic gaming “culture” for women to “learn.” Full stop. That’s exactly the kind of attitude that breeds the entitlement and overall villainy of the whole GG movement. No one owes you any sort of cultural allegiance to do the same things you do. Don’t be shocked when people react negatively to

Then maybe the editors of Gawker should’ve thought better before outing people as gay and putting private videos of people having sex on their website up for everyone to see. You can’t treat them as innocent in this, and if the bankruptcy ends with hundreds of people on the street then the blame is on the editors who

Okay, I don’t always agree with all the articles Kotaku posts sometimes but that reaction is just silly. Reminds me of a story I was once told about a guy breaking up with his girlfriend because she farted once. So extreme, lol.

I’m uber-liberal and pro-feminizm and even I find myself doing some intense eye rolling at their writing. And the comments there are beyond insufferable.

I can only assume that you’re referring to Thiel as petty. I’m not sure I would agree there. I mean, outing someone as gay is a pretty big invasion of privacy. I’d be pissed too if some aspect of my personal life was made public.

I wouldn’t use petty to describe Thiel, I’d say he’s calculating.

If they’ve done nothing wrong, they shouldn’t be worried

Here’s the thing - I’m not saying they aren’t despicable, hypocritical asses. I’m not even saying they didn’t deserve to lose the Hogan case from a legal perspective (although I don’t know enough about law to go either way), or be dinged as a result. But I’m just really not sanguine on the “I have more money than you,

That whole thing was pretty shitty.
I’m not saying that there aren’t problems, but on the whole I find it to be not this “den of harpies and feminazis” that it seems to have a reputation of being.

I do not think that stuff was high brow, but none of it is illegal. Someone who had a grudge against Gawker used his ample financial capabilities to essentially sue them out of existence. That's not something any of us should be cheering. I won't miss Gawker in the least, but the super rich taking down the not as rich

They’ll never admit wrongdoing, especially the sister-sites like Kotaku that weren’t involved but are negatively affected.
Not only did they lose the case, the judge - and later a jury - actually gave Hogan MORE in damages than he was seeking, and not by a little. It’s pretty black-and-white how badly you need to have

He’s recently commented there, in fact, but it’s pretty much more of the same argument-by-tautology; essentially, “Jezebel is bad because Jezebel is bad, Jezebel commenters are bad because Jezebel is bad.”

I’ve seen a ton of misogyny, transphobia and homophobia here at Kotaku (oh, all the times I’ve been called a “fag”

I mean that’s true of Kotaku too. The comments here aren’t like a bastion of civility and grace.