Yes, this quote was dumb- “This is problematic for multiple reasons, first, why have we given so much power to these capitalist enterprises to be able to censor art and culture...”
Yes, this quote was dumb- “This is problematic for multiple reasons, first, why have we given so much power to these capitalist enterprises to be able to censor art and culture...”
I hate Apple for this (hence I own Android), but the dev going around acting like/counting on their game being so “artistic” they get some magical exception, then raising hell like it is some cosmic injustice when they are told that their sexual petting simulator doesn’t meet Apple’s standards is just eye-roll worthy.…
She’s right, assuming that the purpose of sex ed is to educate people on how to enjoy sex rather than the mechanics of it. That’s an entirely different type of sexual education. There’s a place for it, but it’s probably not a high school classroom.
“over there,” huh? I guess Islam is a country now.
I would imagine they are waiting for actual censorship since this is not that.
Porn Stars aren’t faking it, they just took AP classes.
Too bad they are so gross to actually put in your mouth 😞
It depends on the situation, $60 may not seem like much if the income is stable but if its not that could mean the difference between getting some grocery or even paying for gas in the car.
The aristocracy eating the babies of the poor is a clear example of satire, illustrating how the class system destroys those in poverty for the obscene pleasures of the rich. This is a simple inflation of a trope (sometimes men tend to buy random garbage and are unaware of it, sometimes women must keep such spending…
Please stop being reasonable, this is the internet. In case you forgot.
I doubt he has to beg for anything.
I don’t find it very funny no. But he had to make it dramatic and that was the only way he knew to “try” and garner sympathy since that type is ALWAYS on TV with every couple.
You arent there behind closed doors. She may control finances and wont let him spend 40-60$ on entertainment. Or maybe she is only one working and it isnt his money. Who knows the situation, but the wife controlling the entertainment budget is a real relationship dynamic that isnt always portrayed in public.
Well, it’s an exaggeration that multiple sitcoms have kept using for years, so there is an audience somewhere for it still.
No shit it isn’t serious. It’s obviously an attempt at a joke. It is a terrible, uninventive, and never-funny joke though. Hence why I asked if anyone else finds it funny. I just think it’s such a lame ass attempt that it fails to rouse even a bemused smile, that I wonder if there is actually an audience for it.
I mean, I HAVE met couples like this (not a lot), but that is just crushingly sad to watch. I’m mostly just completely unamused by the joke. I don’t get why people find it funny. It somehow manages to take the straightman/wildcard dynamic, infuse some casual misogyny, and strip it of the humorous aspects. And it is so…
I think what he is suggesting is not that the man’s wife may or may not be a ball breaker, but that the dynamic or stereotype is not only overplayed but a sad one to revert to. I’ve got to agree. “My horrible evil banshee of a partner expects me to stick to our budget plan, what a horrible fiend they are, can somebody…
Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.
Nope. Even after a year, regression to the mean is expected. I have a PhD and do research for a living. Unless your kid is a super preemie or legitimately has some sort of medical issue which has been shown to be helped by BF’ing, formula fed babies are basically the same as breastfed babies after a year.
I cannot stand how some moms have to ferally justify their life choices at any hint of maybe-sort-of-not-actually-at-all threat.