
Mate, two males witnesses and a jury returning a guilty verdict aren’t enough to convict rapists in some courts of public opinion.

Yes, this quote was dumb- “This is problematic for multiple reasons, first, why have we given so much power to these capitalist enterprises to be able to censor art and culture...”

Or, we could rely on people to be intelligent enough to parse actual language on the page and to determine that this man has not been convicted, but that there are substantial accusations against him, including sources who are willing to be specific about time, place, and circumstances, and to come to their own

I’m not blaming Tor lol. I’m blaming a man who might like Tor for less than reputable reasons. I’m not sure how I would blame Tor for this, like Tor used it’s powers to turn him into a pervert?


I hate Apple for this (hence I own Android), but the dev going around acting like/counting on their game being so “artistic” they get some magical exception, then raising hell like it is some cosmic injustice when they are told that their sexual petting simulator doesn’t meet Apple’s standards is just eye-roll worthy.

Weird that a guy who works on a network where you can find skeezy stuff did a lot of skeezy stuff!

Now playing

She’s right, assuming that the purpose of sex ed is to educate people on how to enjoy sex rather than the mechanics of it. That’s an entirely different type of sexual education. There’s a place for it, but it’s probably not a high school classroom.

“over there,” huh? I guess Islam is a country now.

I would imagine they are waiting for actual censorship since this is not that.

Porn Stars aren’t faking it, they just took AP classes.

Oh I get you now. I think you might be right about this.

I would counter that death kind of was on the minds of most small kids when I was little. We just called it playing make believe. Cops and robbers, GI Joe, cowboys and indians; we’ve always been playing at killing, but in less realistically-depicted ways.

I’m sure the kids will be fine; they have no idea what they’re doing. But just because “the kids are alright” doesn’t mean it isn’t a distasteful idea and a poor one to execute, and it doesn’t make you a prude to say so.

Hey! I’m fun! I’m hip! I also have an 11 year old sort of nephew who’s terrified of Call of Duty Zombies mode.

Is there a word for lethargic outrage when you feel something is wrong enough to write a short online reply regarding the issue but don't care enough to do anything else? That is how I feel about this.

You might be surprised at the amount of “regular Americans” who brag about the fact that their sophisticated toddlers watch things like the “Saw” movies with them. To a certain kind of of person, Walking Dead with the kiddies is no big deal.

Pitt Bulls come in two types in my experience.

Too bad they are so gross to actually put in your mouth 😞

Return of the King gets me 100% of the time.