Ah, the child’s response when he can’t figure out anything else to say and doesn’t understand what he’s reading. Classic.
Ah, the child’s response when he can’t figure out anything else to say and doesn’t understand what he’s reading. Classic.
Telling people to shut the fuck up is a great conversation starter
I’m pretty sure you can create an anthro rabbit race that hoards technology in Stelaris.
I don’t want to know what I’m looking at.
Three days weekend here in Canada! I don’t know whether or not I’ll play something. Maybe State of Decay, Banished, or Metal Gear Solid V... The possibilities are limitless! :P
Something like 80% of relationship problems can be resolved by using your damn words.
About time.. Their kids turned out........
For one thing, Sharon didn’t sell the sex tape of her children or whore them out to make a living off them, so...
Statement: “I can’t wait till they lock off parts of the game behind overpriced DLC”
I asked the same question a few years ago when Gene Simmons was caught cheating on his wife. I do not understand starfucking at all.
I thought he had brain damage from drugs and wrecking his ATV. Now I feel like kind of a jerk.
ck2's complexity comes in its understanding of how titles work.
Best way to play is to keep your finger on the time acceleration button, and mash it as needed. When I’m taking military action I usually bring speed down, when I’m surveying systems I mash it upwards. Works well in CK2 as well.
It does have a tutorial, it’s just not a typical tutorial in which you don’t really play the game but just follow some old dude’s specific instructions. In here you play a normal game, and the game will give you instructions as you go.
As a Canadian, it’s not that big of a story here, no one really cares about basketball outside of Toronto. Now if it happened during a hockey game, it would be an international incident.
It’s not enforced patriotism, it is respect. You stop for national anthems. You don’t disrupt other people’s religious ceremonies are make a rude racket in a church/temple/worship place, etc. How hard is that to figure out.
Yeah, can you believe these nutjobs, getting outraged about something as harmless as pedophilia?
violence in video games has no correlation to violence irl. child porn, even when it’s cartoons/drawings, can put real child at risk; there are studies that indicate sexualizing children can normalize sexual feelings towards children and lead to abuse. the mod isn’t explicit, but the intent is pretty clear.
Child marriage is still something that absolutely does happen, even in America where we’ve supposedly become more enlightened. It would be one thing if it was a serious exploration of the ways that it harms the character in question, but it appears to not be.