
I think men who say it’s never right to hit a woman are sexist. It is totally okay to hit a woman who is attacking you with appropriate force. Of course, typically the kind of guy that will hit a woman doesn’t understand that principle and goes berserker on her.

Because it’a common sense. I’m glad most guys undersand the concept that men will always be way stronger than women. You hit her back, you can actually break something lr knock her out. And then you get yourself in bigger trouble that is not worth it. It’s like hitting a kid or somebody who is disabled, if you have

I’m not sure I go along with the idea that the fact that he’s a gamer is directly related to the problem. I have taught kids from 5th to 12th grades for 25 years, and many of them (my own included) are heavily into video games and are good guys. I don’t see the appeal, myself, but they don’t see why I like quilting,

According to his twitter profile, this sick fuck has kids. I hope they weren’t around when this horrible thing was happening, but I doubt it is an isolated indecent. I just hope his kids are okay and his girlfriend/wife gets the fuck out of there.

Donald Trump winning the nomination is the least surprising news of the day. Playing video games doesn’t make you violent. This is not a normal thing.

Um...but the person she was inside was dishonest. So...that's a problem for a lot of us. It's not "oh I've gained a little weight over the last year" it's "I put up a picture from 15 years ago when I set up my profile." That's a lot of difference. What else isn't true? What else is being hidden? Can you take her at

Believe it or not, hangovers don’t require getting “shitfaced drunk” the night before.

someones gonna get punched.

This is.......so horribly fucked up. I can’t even get over how fucked up this is. It’s hard enough going on dates with people you’ve met online, despite chatting for a week or so via text. You’re terrified of this very thing happening - that this person you think is great is not who they said they were at all. I want

So. Fucked. Up.

At least they aren’t showing the episode and it’s a semi-happy ending. Jess is a starfucking asshole.

Honestly? I would, too. Found myself hooked from the beginning, very nice terminology and voice :)

There are current plans for a new Pokémon Jet, Sankei adds, but don’t be surprised if ANA eventually covers a more fuel efficient jet in Pocket Monster.

THE Renaissance.

With all that my children have learned from YouTube, let’s just say I don’t even begin to care how you “feel” about it. A friend of mine, granted an engineer by trade, recently rebuilt his transmission based on instruction obtained via YouTube. Please, tell me more about the evils of amateur dabbling.

All opinions are biased. It’s what separates them from facts. They can be differing levels of reasoned, and examined from different angles, but they are subjective.

I was looking for the name of a song in a Youtube video recently, and couldn’t figure it out. The video info contained the name of another song featured later in the video, but not the one I was looking for. It was an instrumental cover of something else, so no lyrics to google. I tried three different “music

That’s... not what happened. “I stopped respecting him” has an entirely different context than “I stopped respecting his opinion.” One is him as a person, the other is his opinions. Very different.

Would you care to explain, in your critical opinion, precisely what makes that different than writing a review for a newspaper or cable news show?

And the winner of the “Most Disproportionate Response to A Situation” goes to.....

How is making a review of a game “fucking Nintendo”?

I stopped respecting him when he gave Bloodborne a 10.