
Dude if your job is 100% based on public opinion of you, and you go on a rant targetting suicidal teens how the fuck should anyone employ you in that field? He did this on the job, and thats why he should lose his job as a streamer. If i went on a rant online about the jews doing 9/11 I shouldnt be fired, but if im at

I think you’re sympathizing with him, not defending him. I sympathize with him too—he was clearly commenting from a place of real pain, and not thinking at all about what he was saying. But given how much damage his words could do, I can’t defend anything he said.

I definitely understand where he’s coming from, but as someone who suffers from depression, minor anxiety, and has had suicidal thoughts, he definitely didn’t say it in a very constructive manner. It didn’t offend me or anything, but it sort of makes sense that he lost his job. At least he still has his stream, where

I’m not sure what you’re trying to defend here. No one’s saying he can’t have his opinions (though I think they’re fucking repugnant, but that’s neither here nor there). No one’s saying he can’t speak his mind. But when your job is to be the face of a company and draw in customers, you can’t—absolutely can’t—spew out

I could be fired for cursing in front of customers at my job, let alone calling them assholes. I think you need to pull your head out your ass.

You wouldn’t call a person with cancer selfish for dying from cancer. Depression is a disease that sometimes kills. Holding the dead party responsible is beyond dickish, well into cuntface territory.

His employer thought so, which is all that matters.

It is but it’s also not. There’s a lot of factors that go into suicide and it generally amounts to someone surpassing their threshold for tolerable suffering. Considering this person considered suicide, found Something to latch onto to help ease their suffering is honestly a Good Positive Thing. Carrying out the act

If someone is going through something so terrible and all of the people around that person can say is that the person was selfish? Where were these concerned people before? they all fucking come crawling out of the woodwork for the funeral.

Well, if you work for any corporation, you will find it in your HR terms of employment that your public persona can be mistaken as a representation of the company and so if they feel like it they can fire you over stuff that happens off the clock. That’s why you shouldn’t list your employer on FB if you are going to

Social Anxiety guy here.

Did you miss the rest? Most of it is basically the long way of saying, “Oh, you have depression and suicidal thoughts? Get over it!” Or this little beauty of a line:

“Everyone had depression and if they can’t deal with it, they should kill themselves.”

Suicide, and it’s root causes, are an incredibly complex set of issues that trained professionals can barely quantify or explain. As much as I am a fan of free speech and the internet, sometimes I wish people would just exercise a little empathy and acknowledge that maybe their experience isn’t the normative one by

I mean, on the flip side, it’s your life, so do whatever.

We don’t know the reasons of what makes a person go through with suicide....unless you can communicate with dead people.

“Everyone has fucking depression and anxiousness.”

Nope, no they don’t and I would bet he has no idea what either are in real life.

I certainly didn’t understand the difference between depression and just feeling down and anxiety vs worrying.

My fire department has a day a year where they put a stove in the very back of their parking lot; they set it on fire, then it’s up to you to put it out, with their instruction. It’s primarily for kids, but anybody can learn.

Dealing with a household fire needs to be taught in schools, starting at a young age. Fire is one of the few truly panic-inducing dangers in the home. The number of people who think you throw water on a grease fire is staggering. What I’m reading in some of the comments just proves me right. Not knowing how to deal

Are you sure it was parchment paper and not waxed paper?