
Jumanji sucked.

As a Canadian, it’s not that big of a story here, no one really cares about basketball outside of Toronto. Now if it happened during a hockey game, it would be an international incident.

It’s not enforced patriotism, it is respect. You stop for national anthems. You don’t disrupt other people’s religious ceremonies are make a rude racket in a church/temple/worship place, etc. How hard is that to figure out.

Don’t over simplify. Fighting forest fires isn’t just “add more water.”

That would absolutely not solve the problem, I hope you are kidding because otherwise you are over simplifying in the extreme.

Before anyone starts getting into a debate about climate change and, “that will teach them for relying on oil production.”

There are whole fields of study devoted to understanding these excuses better, with many resources available online if you’d like to learn more.

This sounds disturbingly like the hideous “the only disability is a bad attitude” quote. Giving a wheelchair to someone who can’t walk or can’t walk for an extended period of time isn’t pity or coddling; it’s a vital link to independence. Ask any disabled person if they’d rather crawl across a field or use an electric

I didn’t see anything on the article regarding a cure, so the picture is valid as it was then. Life, there will always be challenges.

Yeah, can you believe these nutjobs, getting outraged about something as harmless as pedophilia?

violence in video games has no correlation to violence irl. child porn, even when it’s cartoons/drawings, can put real child at risk; there are studies that indicate sexualizing children can normalize sexual feelings towards children and lead to abuse. the mod isn’t explicit, but the intent is pretty clear.

You realize that the whole ‘don’t slut shame’ thing is all about choice, right? If a woman chooses to dress that way, their choice should be respected.

That is not in the same neighborhood as dressing up what is essentially a doll. That Dead or Alive character is not a real person, they are not making a choice to dress

Except pedophile-related media is correlated with acts of child abuse, while violent video games are not correlated to actual violence.

I think you mean that a “pediatric neurologist” might have solved the mystery. It wasn’t some Doogie Howser underage doctor.

so, in essence, “if you don’t like pedophilia, don’t do it?”

Child marriage is still something that absolutely does happen, even in America where we’ve supposedly become more enlightened. It would be one thing if it was a serious exploration of the ways that it harms the character in question, but it appears to not be.

Seems like a good time to remind everyone that the “good old days” were definitely old, but probably not as good as you recall.

I believe voice synthesizing was also deemed generally more pleasant with a female voice, so females were chosen for that reason as well.

According to his twitter profile, this sick fuck has kids. I hope they weren’t around when this horrible thing was happening, but I doubt it is an isolated indecent. I just hope his kids are okay and his girlfriend/wife gets the fuck out of there.

“Remember, this was only 23 years ago”

.. 23 years? I.. Oh god.