
morals don’t belong on a hacking scene. Don’t be stupid.

Well, as many humans’ intuition apparently tells them that drunk driving and, ever moreso, texting and driving are good decisions, I’d say human intuition is in many cases pretty pitiful. And even the ones that are paying attention ... rarely does a day’s commute pass without witnessing someone make a completely

Apart from the fact that, even if you're just riding a horse with stirrups, you're using "technology," you're already putting your life in the hands of vehicle automation, given ABS and traction control.

As long as it doesn’t effect others, I really have no problems with hacking

I counted at least four markers of psychopathy in the article.

The thinking I have and I believe most other gamers have is so long as it’s not hurting someone else, do what you want. Hacking game code is what’s made games like Skyrim so infamous for it’s mods. It it wasn’t for guys hacking together homemade Kaizo Mario levels to show the demand, we might not have Mario Maker

It’d be one thing if he was like “this is just a game, nobody’s actually getting hurt, who gives a damn” or something like that. But “I don’t really feel any guilt”and “I guess I’m just not a very remorseful guy” are pretty messed-up sentiments.

“One year, a movie like Frozen or Big Hero 6 looks like the peak of what’s possible...”

I also love that “Morality holds progress back” quote. Yeah buddy, your hack to win a race in Mario Kart is going to be looked at as a pivotal milestone in human development. How dare these moralizing peons hold back your great work.

“Morality holds progress back,” a hacker recently told me,

Realistic movement. Its the entire reason that the very first feature length computer animated movie (Toy Story) was about plastic toys. You don’t appreciate how “fake” something looks until it doesn’t move like you eye expects it to.

It isn't that old... That contraption is a siphon coffee brewer (with a butane burner). The specific model (I have one too) is a yama glass 3 cup table top siphon (may also be syphon). The burner options are alcohol lamp (which comes with it), butane (which you would have to buy), or halogen bulb. The way it works for

Honestly I’m glad they’ve moved on. Their public image is somewhat insufferable but hey, at least they’re not desperately trying to relive old glory. Good for them for continuing to seek success.

And recasting the part wouldn’t have hurt the show.

Heck, don't even care if they were broke young adults. They don't owe their former cast mates anything. I can't even imagine having to deal with Evangelical Barbie on a regular basis.

Do people forget that they were put on this show as babies?

Yeah, but why should they? They were put on the show as babies, they had no say in the matter.

I really enjoyed it as a child, but that after viewing it as an adult I realized it was just my dumb child brain. This was never a good show.