
I wouldn’t say you’re a “dumbass” for not knowing something. It means you don’t know, and the only way to know is to learn. I thought Tasmania was separate once too.

Tazmania isn’t a country, it’s an island state of Australia. And while it isn’t solved, there is a vaccine in field trials and I think immune, captive breeding populations have been established. Also, the critters may be adapting to the disease.

that is a Redwall-Australia character waiting to happen.

That bird is what would happen if a griffin mated with a sentient rainbow. Good grief. Do they actually look like that?

Dad does nice thing for child.

They were published for people like my mother, who reads them voraciously. And her offspring, who find them a handy gift. They were marketed to teens because “teen protagonist? must be for teens!”

I don’t think it is immature or simplistic. Faithfulness is clearly important to you, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to understand someone else’s point of view, and it’s great that you are open to that experience, and are willing to consider learning how to forgive.

And your tiny debt is for something useful, not because you are a dumbass. Hold that to your heart on your bad days.

The father? That’s a bit much. The fact that he thought women should be taught at all was apparently revolutionary. There were a number of women active in the early church, and he would have been familiar with them, as well as the female judges and prophets. There is also an argument that the “women should be silent”

My boyfriend had a coworker at one point who was a black male. Apparently, in Eastern Europe, the cops would stop him and flat out tell him it was because of his skin colour.

Horse Lords is fun, it’s just weird to get used to the new mechanics.

I loved that soundtrack, and that movie. I refuse to rewatch it just in case it mars my nostalgia. I know it won’t hold up. I do listen to this and the Pokemon 2000 soundtrack on occasion though.

Where is my Breath of Fire for my DS, Nintendo?

It’s about as interesting as reading the tax code.

Sherelock is apparently huge in China, Japan, and South Korea. Mostly China, but they all take it pretty damn seriously from what I’ve heard.

It’s a mod pack. I am extremely tempted.

I doubt there’s legal grounds for suing. I don’t use Twitch, but they probably have something in their terms of service that says they can ban a game using their own discretion, and they don’t have to say why. And a top notch legal team that would be very expensive to take on.

You are absolutely correct in that he should have spoken up earlier, and passive aggressively communicating is no way for an adult to act. And I say that as a naturally conflict avoidant, passive aggressive person myself. Chances are, if he had a spine to begin with, the issues could have gotten resolved well before

I just don’t get why she would. I’m sure in her mind she had a good reason, but when a person you are dating says “I like critters” you accept that there will be critters in your shared living space. Not in the bedroom is a civilized compromise, or if you have a parlour for company.

I think the pet conversation should be like the kid conversation..hashed over right quick. I get not wanting the pets in your bed, but why is she even with him if she doesn’t like animals?